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*possible smut and very cringe warning*

She brought her lips to mine.

Her lips were soft.

She slowly moved her hands to my hair.

Everything felt blurry. 

 She slowly moved away slowly and had a slight smirk on her face.

"Let's go to my room, its too risky here"

We got up and went upstairs to Jenna's room.

Once she shut the door, she walked over to me and her lips were on mine again.

Then we heard people outside giggling. We stopped and moved away from each other. We both felt very awkward.

"Umm. I'm sorry y/n, I don't know what happened..."

"No, its also my fault, I didn't stop you."

She looked at me, "well I didn't hate it..."

I blushed at that.

"Uh, same..." I looked at the floor. "But, Jenna, we can't..."

"Why not? Oh..."

*Jenna's pov*

Oh. I fucked up. 

I kissed y/n. She doesn't feel the same.

"No, I'm not saying I don't feel the same. I do. But your my best friends sister and the amount of hate you would get from the media..."

I understand what she means but I don't care.

"I just don't want to see you get hated..."

*y/n pov*

Jenna liked me. I liked her. If the circumstances were different this would have been easier. But it won't be. She is my best friends sister. The media would also hate her (well the homophobes would). 

"Well... we could be secret..?"

I looked up.

" I don't know. Secrecy would be difficult. I don't know Jenna, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's fine, I will give you time. " she looked slightly disappointed but understanding.

"We can meet up soon though-" I blurted out.

She laughed softly and smiled, "Yeah, that sounds nice. I'm home for a while anyway."

We smiled at each other.

"I should probably go now, so people don't get suspicious."

I left the room smiling to myself.

*Jenna pov*

Oh. My. God.

So. I'm meeting up with y/n soon. Right. I need to plan something.

God but being secret would be difficult. I'm sure Aliyah wouldn't mind me dating her best friend...   But I would only tell her when y/n is ready. 

If she says yes. I need to stop getting ahead of myself. It might never happen.

Why is love so complicated?

A/n- that was so cringy... bro I cried writing it. Idk how to write smut lmao. Short chapter srryyyy <333

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