The Quarrel_2

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Beam was sitting on the red sofa crying and drinking water and then again crying while enjoying Tine's apartments seaside view. 

" So, you understand right?" He asked the man who was staring at Beam continually. " Fong you fucker stop staring at him, he is Forth's husband. How many times I have to tell you." He smacked his friend's head. Mi

" Tine, did Sarawat find us sleeping together and killed? Why am I seeing an angle in front of me? And why is my angel crying?" Fong asked, still looking at Beam. 

" Fong, when did we sleep together? And no matter in which situation Sarawat finds me he will never kill me. He will kill himself before hurting me." He again smacked Fong's head. " You didn't listen to what I said? Did you?" 

Fong shook his head, " Whatever it is Tine. I don't mind. Let my angel stay here for whatever days he wants. I will give this house to him." He again looked at Beam and screamed, " Angle don't drink that water." 

Beam stopped his hand while opening the lead of the bottle, he looked in Tine's direction and started crying again, " Forth doesn't want to give me his love and now this stranger is not even sharing his water with me P'Tineeeeeeeeeee. Why am I that bad? " 

Tine glared at Fong and went near Beam, " Beammie P' loves you a lot. And don't worry about Forth, he will apologize to you." Tine wiped Beam's eyes. " Beam marked my words. Forth will pay for what he did with you." 

" Angle you can have this entire house, even me as your slave. But just don't drink that water. It's cold, you will get sick. Drink this and these snacks." Fong gave his snacks and water to Beam. 

" Thank you. You're so sweet." Beam said and started eating while crying.

Tine grabbed Fong's hand and pulled him into the kitchen. " You never share your snacks with me?" He asked. 

" Is that what you are concerned about? Then listen, you were never an angel. You are a devil 👿. The living Satan. Now let me go, I want to accompany my angle." Fong tried to push Tine but he held him again.

" Fong, open your eyes. Don't get blinded by Beam's look. His husband is the lord of all evil. He is the husband of Forth Jaturapoom. His name is Beam Forth Jaturapoom." Tine said while patting Fong's cheeks. Suddenly Fong's eyes turn back, and he loses his consciousness. " Fong, Fonggggg what is happening?" Thud Fong fell down. 

Fong opened his eyes slowly. 

" Wow, Beam, you are an awesome doctor." Tine praised Beam. 

" Thank you P'Tine. But he was ok some time ago. How did he lose his consciousness suddenly? " Beam asked Tine. 

" Nothing, he was just Shocked." Tine replied. 

" Really? From which switch? Please tell me I won't touch it." Beam said while looking left right. 

Tine chuckled at his innocence, " Don't know how Forth found you?  You are to innocent for this world." Beam didn't understand what Tine was actually trying to say, " Just go, that red couch is waiting for you." 

After nodding his head, Beam left the kitchen. 

Tine glare at his friend, " You are fucking dickhead, how did you become unconscious with his name before that you were drooling over his husband."

'His husband' word brought Fong into reality, " Tine forgive me I can't stay here with him. That.....that.....beast will slice me in half. You saw how he fought, right?" Fong said while grabbing Beam's hand. 

" Fong, it's ok. He won't do anything this time. I won't allow him. He will never know where Beam is. I took off his watch and accessories before bringing him here. We even switch off his mobile. They don't have any way to track it down. I even switched off my mobile and accessories." Tine affirmed Fong about his plan. 

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