Story from Forth's POV

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It's been so long I haven't seen that look on his face. I am not saying that I like that look. But it makes me sad. Those dough eyes looked at me with so many hopes and I always failed to give him the comfort he wanted from me.

Some bastard sent a corpse of a dog to my apartment on my husband's name as a wedding gift. I remember the day when I saw him crying on Phana's lap. Right now, his eyes got teary with a single look of that dog. Why does he care for that animal? What I am thinking, he is softhearted and cares for every person even when they don't like him. Best example, Lam & Tul. They were constantly doubting him and making me daubt, but whenever I asked him anything he happily replied without complaints. From his schedule to his timing of eating. What do those bastards want to know now, how he poops? Max & Park also think that they are overthinking & judging Beam from starting when there is nothing bad in him. It's in me. I am the bad one. Whatever is happening with him, everything is my doing.

I accepted that I love him, but I can't say it out loud. Come on, my enemies tried to assassinate Wayo 5 times, when some people saw him with me at a party. If a single person knows from outside that Dr. Beam Bramme is a spouse of Jaturapoom heir there will be at least 10 assassinations in a day on him. I won't let that happen. No matter how much I want him to take away from this mean world, I won't snatch his independence. He is my husband, not my abductee.

Lam said, if I married him to save Wayo's relationship then I should release him now as Wayo stopped complaining about him a long time ago. Doesn't he think I am a person with a heart? He is staying with me 24 hrs. We even established the relations of husband & husband. I am not even looking at other women & men. Signal is clear, isn't it? And it's in front of them all.

Some days ago Beam was angry at me because I promised him something and then broke it. It was the universe show. The dome organizes a universe show every year. Beam loves stars, he told me that he always wanted to be a star but from when he knew a star doesn't have any light of his own he decided to be a Moon. My silly moon, who doesn't understand that the universe generates all its light from the sun. And I will be his sun. But the point is I promise him the show and then break that promise because of an urgent problem. He told me he will talk to me when I give him the experience of the real universe down here on earth. A bit challenging. But I will do anything for my baby. I hired my engineering team, on this Universe project.

He started talking to me after 2hrs. of our fight. But I still want to continue as my baby wants something from me and I will give him whatever he asks even if it includes drinking blood from my body. My engineering team has started their work and soon initiated the completion of work.

I planned a big swimming pool with an underground tunnel painting it black with the glittering tattoos of stars. After in the pool we made a glass tunnel which is attached to the nearby room. The room is black and made like a different environment on a different planet. It has 10 to 12 attached rooms with 7D effects on each. One of the rooms also has gravity control. This project took a lot of time & money, in between which I lost my 2 ships full of cocaine & firearms. But the look on my husband's face was priceless. I won't go poor just because some ships are missing, that doesn't mean I forgive them. It's just that they have more days to live now. He was so happy that he gave me 24 hrs. independant to do whatever I want to him. Kind of kinky. I love that. I won't describe what I did in that 24 hrs. But Lam was a total b***** at such a time that I literally had to block my apartment.

Two days ago, we went to a club where Lam brought like 20 hot & sexy girls & boys, half-naked. I was seated in between them. As soon as the meeting completed successfully some of my partners started making out there. 2 girls sat on my both sides as the boys were sitting near my thighs. One of them started to open my pants zip when I stopped him telling I don't like being touched by other people. I sat there till my phone rang and a cheerful doctor chirped on the other side, " Hey Love my shift is over, where are you?" He asked. See Lam you are fucking ass, he calls me the moment his shift is over, and I didn't even inform him about my legal - illegal meetings. He doesn't even ask why there are songs playing loudly at my back. " I will be there in 10 min. to pick you up."

" Okey. I will take a bath. Come fast & Miss me." Beam said & cut the call before hearing any reply from my side. Why is he such a sweet person? What good deed I do to get such a lovely husband. His single smile turns my bad day into a shiny bright day.

I was going out when Tul followed me, " Forth, where are you going? We are celebrating the deal & our leader should be here with us in celebration." he said.

" Tul, Beam just finished his shift. I will pick him up and take him to a fancy restaurant to celebrate the deal. As the second head he also has the right to celebrate the DEAL." he looked at me unbelievably like I am trying to bring someone unknown in between us. Is this that hard for them to trust my man, to trust me.

He didn't say anything at that time then the next day he and Lam gave me a lecture on how mysterious my husband is. Some people are just introverts. Tul must understand as he was the same in starting. Why are they just picking up on my Beam.

I remember the day when we collided for the first time. That was the last day of his independence. That same day I wanted to cage him under me, but after talking with him I understood that he was not a person I should win with force. The fun will be when he submitted himself to me willingly. After staying with him in that hospital for a week, I started avoiding him as I understood that he is a kindhearted person, and I shouldn't ruin his life.

I maintained my distance but then Wayo started dating his friend and their arrival at my mansion was often. Trust me it is very hard to see your crush in front of you every night with a mesmerizing smile without touching them. But I control myself best. Then that bet happened, should I thank Wayo for that? Hell... yeah. Beam was looking like an angel in that white shirt. Giving him hickey was not my plan but please understand I am a human at the end. My body responds to him quickly.

Even after that night I didn't push him on but decided to give this imaginary relationship a chance. I went there and took him for a lunch date. Here again came a but... Yeah no one wants us to be together. That fucking Frank has to come in between. He interrupted my date & I interrupted his life. Equality, my Motto.

After that I was searching him to give some explanation, but he left me with nothing. I was waiting for him like a crazy man and when he came, he insulted me & my family. I am not a pathetic person. I am what I am today, and I don't find any problem in it. We argued and he went to Phana. That fucking Phana who forgot that he has a fiancée and went to comfort a man crossing his limits. My Wayo, my baby brother, cried because of him. In one day, Beam made me cry two times. That also happened when he was not in my life. Maybe this is the reason why Tul & Lam hates him, because he makes me vulnerable? Yea? No?

I married him for Wayo. Yeah, only for Wayo. My love for him finished the moment he insulted my family, my dad. I wanted him to suffer, I wanted to strip his pride from his body. But I like to strip his clothes more. I considered his first reaction as childish behavior and forgave him for those insults. I was disappointed with myself but what can I do? He has a different kind of effect on me.

I can't see him cry, I can't tolerate his closeness with other people, I want him exclusively for only me. Lam called me a psycho for following and allowing Beam in my life. I don't mind. If I am crazy for him then they haven't seen my craziness yet. If I am crossing all my limits for Beam, then at such time I can even limit him in his own life. If I gave him my rights, then I have his with or without his will.

They only saw my love for Beam, but my stubbornness is on a different hike for him.

Lam said I am blinded by his beauty & my lust. I don't care what they think but I won't let him go no matter what happens with me & my business.

Lam said I will hurt myself because of Beam, but why don't he understand that damage has already been done. If Beam ever leaves me then yes Jaturapoom is finished. But it's not easy to reach me, nor to him.

Even if someday, someone succeeded in finishing Beam, before my end I will burn their world.   

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