Operation Oon_3

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"Beam is missing..." Are the last words Forth heard. 

When Park & Lam reached the place the things of the hospital camp were shattered everywhere. Kit was unconscious at a place and a kid around 16 was sitting there crying. 

Lam patted the head of the kid, " Hey, who are you ?" 

Before he could reply Park bombarded him with questions, " Who are you? Lam asks some difficult questions." He looked at the kid with all his devil eyes and said, " Kid if you want to leave peacefully tell this P' what happened here ? Who are you and what were you doing here ? What relationship do you have with this man here ?" He pointed towards Kit, " Tell me I am not the patient one." He tried to be intimate with Pharm. 

Pharm like Lam but the way Park was behaving with him he really wanted to punch the man in the face, but P'Beam is more important than an asshole. So he controlled his urge to punch Park and answered as Kit taught him, " Hiccups.......I......hhhhhmm....I am Pharm P'. This.....thisss..... Hyaaaaa...... Is P'Doc who was treating me....There were.... Hiccups.....many more people here before you came. I am very poor P'..... They.....they caught me......and tried.....trying to touch......." Pharm was sobbing 😭 with every word......" I ..... I ran here......I am sorry....... I never knew ...they.....they....will do this." He looked at the mess they created. A perfect crime scene.... " P'Beautiful took me in and bandaged me ... When suddenly they attack and I.....am ......sorry ...  It's all my fault....." He saturated sobbing again hiding his face in between his palm. " I am sorry......" 

Looking at the small kid Lam was being emotional but at second thought this thing is related to Beam so he should have investigated it deeply. He looked at the kid again, he looked unharmed but the vibes were not clear so he patted his head again, " Hey kid don't cry and tell P' about the situation so P' can help you. If you keep crying without telling us anything we won't be able to help you." He tried to make his tone soft.

After debating between Park & Pharm Lam understands the story. 

" The boy came running from some human traffickers. Beam took him to the camp and bandaged his wounds. Soon the group found him, but seeing Beam and Phana are more good then a kid they left with them. Kit was inspecting a nearby area when he saw them taken away. The people who left behind and tried to molest the kid fought with Kit or vice versa. We came after some time when Kit lost his consciousness. He is still unconscious. Should we wait for his side of the story or else you want to..." Forth didn't let him complete his side of the story. 

" Get the kid here." Forth said in a dangerously cold voice. 

Pharm entered the tent where his P'Beam's dangerous husband was seated from the moment he came at site. He was frustrated as Park the other P' was irritating him by asking some personal questions. Who is he ? His social identity number ? Where are his parents ? Fucking they are in hell and the way Park was irritating him he will soon send Park to the same place as his parents. Handsome was the only word he thought after looking at Forth for the first time.

" Sit..." Lam said he didn't even bulge his eyes from Forth. 

Forth was looking at him, the kid looked innocent only. There was not a single drop of fear in his eyes. No way the kid has been abducted. He has been in this business for a while but the way this kid looks at him says lots of things. 

" SIT....." This time Forth's cold voice warned Pharm. 

'Fucking how lucky P'Beam can be ?' Being impressed with Forth's total badass looks & voice a creepy smile coloured his face.

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