7. Sakura Blossoms

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Leone: Mmmmmm...*smile* It's beautiful.

Y/N: I usually come to Inazuma in this world to relax....it's really peaceful around here.....though there is a rebellion going on.

Leone: I see....what's this about a Vision Hunt Decree?

Y/N: Visions are given by the celestial gods here. It's usually a gift that allow people to ascend to the heavens above. Though a year ago this vision hunt decree was created here in order to preserve eternity....it's a rather stupid reason if you get the whole picture.

Leone: Yeah....saw the guy that lost his vision. He didn't seem like himself......

They both chatted with one another, walking through the forest quietly and not wanting to attract any attention.

They both chatted with one another, walking through the forest quietly and not wanting to attract any attention

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Yao: *laugh* Ahahahahahaha....

Y/N: Yeah buddy....glad you're alive still. You want a ride?

Yao: YAP!

He picks up his pet fox, letting him rest in the hood of his hoodie as they made their way to an empty field. They both sat down, unblinking as they watch the clouds above.

Y/N: I don't have a vision so I can visit here peacefully......*sigh* But it's the same everywhere. A rebellion going against the nation of a god.

Leone: Huh......At least you're here. You could make a difference in the war.

Y/N: Yeah....for once I can.....I-


Y/N grabs onto Leone and rolls to the side, dodging a lightning strike as dark cloud begins to form over them.

Leone: THE HELL?!

Y/N:.......Leone grab onto Yao please. Keep him safe.

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