10. A Deal with the Horde (3/3)

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Y/N spun around, slicing through every single Tao Tei soldier in the way. Hundreds and hundreds of them converged onto Y/N tree y he swung around like a madman, slicing through every single one in his way while making his way forward.



He tenses his body before spinning around as fast as he could, generating shockwaves that tore through a few thousand of the monsters in his way.


He laughs, jumping into the air before shredding through a single Tao Tei, decapitating him. He swung his arms around, the shockwaves slicing through ruined buildings and alien tissue alike as his chainsaw continues to run at max sp-


Just 500 meters away, a tidal wave of tendrils shoot out, stabbing through thousands and thousands of Tao Tei while Y/N jumps into the air to dodge them

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Just 500 meters away, a tidal wave of tendrils shoot out, stabbing through thousands and thousands of Tao Tei while Y/N jumps into the air to dodge them. He kicks the air, launching himself further into the sky before slamming his chainsaws down on the ground, the sharp shockwave knocking thousands more into the air.

Alex: I see you're still alive...

Y/N: Same goes to you Alex.

Alex: Call me Mercer you-


Y/N slices through a boulder before they both jump onto a still standing building, confused at the sight of the Tao Tei retreating yet staying just 400 meters from them, stopping.

???: YYYYYYY/NNNNNN....Mmmeeeerrrrccceeerrr....ggggrrreeetttiiinnnngggsss......

Y/N: The fuck?

???: All troooppppsssss....makkkeee way for the twwwwwoooo......

To their surprise, the Tao Tei started to walk out the way, making a wide path for them.

Alex:....Are you really going to listen to the queen?

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