102. Chronos (short)

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Chronos: I've come with a message for you Y/N.

Y/N: What is it?

Chronos: In half a year, we will fight to the death. You.....and me. Two gods who gone through similar paths.

Y/N: Similar?

Chronos: *chuckle* Similar you say......after all.


Y/N's face was twisted into a state of shock as he looks.......at someone similar to him.

at someone similar to him

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Y/N(Alt): I am you....from an alternate timeline.


Girls: Another.....

Auditor/Ink: Another Y/N?

They watch the two face each other as Y/N(Alt) chuckles.

Y/N(Alt): In my timeline, I had no one. No Chelsea, no family.....there was a bloody war between the current government which was corrupt and the Resistance which was also corrupt. Two different ideologies.....and in the end, everyone on the planet died. I was the only one left standing......so I did it. I traveled back in time 1100 years ago using the power I accumulated for a hundred years. With the cost of some of my power, I created Cirvik..........so that not everyone had to die.

He had a look of disdain and jealousy upon the sight of Y/N.

Y/N(Alt): To think my other self in just some mere years could grow to my level.....to sacrifice his humanity like I did but better. I envy you.....I really do. However, this makes no difference. The timeline here can only handle one Y/N. If it continues, the universe will collapse onto itself because of our existence. If I die, Cirvik dies. I can't let my creation die like that-

Y/N: But it has to go. For the better of my world.

Y/N(Alt): So it seems. I was willing to make a compromise with you....to take your place-


Y/N(Alt) was taken aback by Y/N's power, surprised at how powerful he is now before opening a portal.

Y/N: No.

Y/N(Alt): If I die, Cirvik dies, and you can live peacefully. If you die, the Resistance goes, and Cirvik has complete control over Terr-

Featherine: Aw~ Do you really think you can speak to my boyfriend like that?~

He suddenly had a shocked look on his face as he turns to Featherine who growls.

Featherine: *growl* Leave before I decide to end your life right here and now.

Y/N(Alt):....*tch* I'll deal with you later.

He was scared of Featherine and Y/N's power and teleports out of there, Y/N turning around to walk into a portal-

Auditor: Y/N......

Y/N: He is not me.....and I refuse to bow to him. If he wants to fight, so be it. If this is how the war ends, so be it.



Girls: 'Stay safe Y/N.......'

Next Chapter:

The Boys (1/2)

Breaking Every Record on the Super Test (2/2)

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