6. Mending Wounds

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Leone: Aaaahhhh

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Leone: Aaaahhhh...peace and quiet.

Spotting an opening devoid of any animals or signs of people coming across to it, they both laid on a flat ground surrounded by grass and bushes.

Y/N: The night sky is beautiful Huh.......

Y/N: The night sky is beautiful Huh

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Leone: After so long......how long has it been since it's been just the two of us?

Y/N: 5 years ago Leone.....5 years since the battle of Tokyo.

They both sigh, remembering what happened.

Y/N: All ghouls were exterminated before CCG was killed......it was like genocide....and Cirvik wanted it to happen...........friends.......family......

They both laid together, watching the stars align as Leone pats his head.

Leone: Y/N. I'm sorry for not saving Night-

Y/N: It's fine Leone. At least we get a whole week of rest before I go ham again.


Y/N turns his head, finding Leone standing there.....before she grabs his pants.

Y/N: 'I see....it is what it is.'

Smut Warning

Leone: Y/N.......I know you've been stressed and all. I know how upset you are.....so I want to at least do something for you.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Leone: We don't have to be Y/N.....I'm stressed to. I really am but........I want to repay you at least alright? It'll just take a moment.

Y/N was about to refuse but faltered as Leone had a pleading look on her face.

Y/N: Alright.

He slowly takes his pants off, Leone helping him set them aside on their brown sack before she takes a curious look at his dick.

Leone: Mmmm....*awed* not bad. Can I?

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