'You play?'

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...if you wanted to travel around the world with us?" I can't believe he just asked that. What do they mean 'travel around the world'? Like AROUND the WHOLE world? Like, around around? "I- uh...erm...W- i- o-okay? I guess I will?" I say confused. "YES!" Tom yells as he raises his hands in the air and walks out.

So...that just happened. I lay down on my bed and decide to play on my phone. Omegle.com seems fun I guess. I go on text mode.

Loading Stranger...

Stranger: Hi?
Stranger: female or male?
Me: female. You?
Stranger: female.
Stranger: what languages do you speak?
Me: British English, Dutch, and Latin. Me: Wbu?
Stranger: damn. I only speak American-English.


Bro what the fuck. It was going so well. *Knock knock* "Who is it?" I ask. "Wilbur," he says. "Come in," I tell Wilbur. He opens the door and leans on the doorway. "So, did Tom talk to you about traveling?" He asks while looking slightly nervous but there's a forced calm-look on his face. "Yeah. When are we going?" I return a question. "Day-after-tomorrow," he looks at his feet. "Okay, that's cool. I should be done packing by tonight." I say back. "Really?" His head lifts up. "Yeah, really," I respond. ??? Why is he so confused? I don't get mad that ofte- okay, well... I don't get mad that EASILY. I'll say that.

Wilburs eyes start traveling the room. "Y'know...I really like your room. It's cool. Very grunge with a mixture of indie, cottage, fairy, and music cores," Wow. He is very familiar with the cores and aesthetics. And I'm glad he noticed. He must he very observant. Fuck, I'm falling for this man and I haven't even known him for two days.

I watch Wilburs honey-kissed eyes fall upon my bass guitar. "You play?" He asks while walking toward my case. "And the piano," I say while getting up and walking towards my guitar case. I open the case and pick up the instrument. "I also sing," I say slightly blushing. Only Tubbo and Tommy have ever heard me sing. Not because im scared, but because i just never really play in front of people period. That's one of the things I can admit about myself. I'm good at singing. I'll say that. Fuck it. I position my hands on the guitar.

" Life's alright in Devil Town
Yeah, right, no one's gonna catch us now
Dad has bought a new car now
We're fine, no one's gonna catch us now (okay)
You said something dumb again
She's mad, at least that's what they say
Mum and daddy aren't in love" I get lost in the words and close my eyes.

"That's fine, I'll settle for two birthdays
Devil Town is colder in the summertime
I'll lose my mind at least another thousand times
Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night
I still get a little scared of something new
But I feel a little safer when I'm with you
Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too"

"We're all dead in Devil Town
That's fine 'cause nothing's gonna scare us now
We're all in our dressing gowns
Mine's white and stripy, yours is green and brown"

" I forgot my name again
I think that's something worth remembering
Spiders in your favourite shoes
Just leave them be 'cause they're more scared of you
Devil Town is colder in the summertime
I'll lose my mind at least another thousand times
Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night"

"I still get a little scared of something new
But I feel a little safer when I'm with you
Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too
Devil Town is colder in the summertime
I'll lose my mind at least another thousand times
Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night"

"I still get a little scared of something new
But I feel a little safer when I'm with you
Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too..."

I open my eyes. My anxiety sky rockets. Remember the 3-3-3 rule. I see Wilbur gaping at me. I see Tommy smiling proudly. I see Tubbo smiling even bigger. I hear the words repeating in my head. I hear Tommy clapping. I hear...the smoke alarm? I smell smoke. I smell smoke? I SMELL SMOKE!? "Ya'll somethin''s burning," I say while setting my base back in its case.

Lol here's another cliffhanger for yall yw<333

775 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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