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OPHELIA WALKS OFF OF THE ELEVATOR, heading towards the bullpen. She runs a hand through her hair with a sigh. Ophelia was tired from last night, she just couldn't get to sleep for some reason. She had already downed her coffee but it hadn't helped in the slightest. "Ophelia!" She heard someone call her name causing her to stop walking and look behind her. Ophelia saw that it was Spencer who had said her name as he walked up to her with about a million different things in his hands.

"Hey." She replied with a soft smile on her lips. The man stood next to her, holding out a cup towards her.

"I got you a coffee." Spencer tells her and Ophelia takes it from him, a small gasp leaving her lips as she takes a sip of it.

"Aww, thanks Spence." Ophelia says as she looks at him. Spencer nods his head, looking down at her.

"Two cream, one sugar."

"You know me so well." She states with a smile as she takes another sip. Spencer just furrows his eyebrows as he takes a mask from his bag.

"Well, I have an eidetic memory."  He retorts and she only pressed her lips tightly together. Ophelia laughs lightly, nodding her head.

"Right." Ophelia says before watching him put the mask over his head. She looked at him with a slightly confused expression. "What are you doing?" She asks as she tilts her head and he looks at her for a moment.

"Scaring Derek." He replied and Ophelia only raises her eyebrows as she watched him walk up behind Derek. Spencer bends down, getting right next to the man's head. "I'm going to eat you." Spencer says in a creepy voice making the man look to the side and jump out of his skin. Derek glares at Spencer, clenching his jaw.

"Reid." He scolds with a sigh as Spencer places his things on his desk before lifting the mask up slightly to reveal his face.

"Happy Hallowseve everyone, folks." He says with a smile on his face and Ophelia just shakes her head as she leans against her desk. "It's a paraphrase from Celtic methodology. Tomorrow night, all order is suspended and the barriers between the natural and the supernatural are temporarily... Removed." Spencer grabs the head that was in his bag, tossing it at Emily who laughs, catching it.

"See, that right there is why Halloween creeps me out." Derek points out as he leans back in his chair. Emily raises an eyebrow at him.

"You're scared of Halloween?"

"I didn't say I was scared, I said I was creeped out." He corrects her and Emily doesn't look too convinced.

"Meaning you're scared." Ophelia states with a smirk playing on her lips. Derek only rolls his eyes before pointing his finger at them.

"There's a difference there, you should look it up." Derek tells them and they both just squint their eyes at him. He had to be a bit more persuasive than that.

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𑁍 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬Where stories live. Discover now