3.2 | Secret Tunnel

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Roger left the front yard and walked along the edge of the wide gravel road, intending to visit his parents. The sky was already dark, but he didn’t hurry, even though he could have used teleportation like many people with special abilities. However, it was too dangerous to do so—he couldn’t risk being caught by ordinary people. After all, he lived on Earth, where powers weren’t a normal part of life. Besides, there was no hurry, he had a lot to think about before visiting Oberon and Miranda. Roger didn’t like the fact that Ravenna already understood a few things about the magical world. It was a sign he had to do something before she got the hang of things. The sooner the better.

In the darkness, his purple eyes flashed with anger, and steps grew faster and firmer. After an hour, he finally reached the house a little further away from the others, hidden in the shadows of the trees, swaying in the wind. But the atmosphere didn’t intimidate Roger and he went to the door.

When he knocked, a nervous feminine voice came from inside, “Who is there?”

“Let me in, I want to talk. It’s crucial.”

Soon the lock clicked and a man appeared in the doorway. Roger examined him from head to toe. Although he looked unchanged, with dark brown hair and the same coloured eyes, the dark circles under his eyes and the new wrinkles on his face betrayed fatigue and sleepless nights.

“Why so late?” he asked quietly, showing no interest and clutching his old red cloak.

Roger grabbed the handle and slammed the door firmly shut. “Sorry, I had a lot of work to do today. I won’t be able to come the next day either.”

“Well, talk then.” Oberon walked ahead, accompanying him into the kitchen.

“You see...” Roger gathered his words for a moment. “It’s about Ravenna.”

“Really?” The man looked askance at him and stopped in front of Miranda, who met them in the corridor. “I thought we had a little more time.”

“Maybe, but Ravenna’s powers are starting to unleash.”

“So what?” Miranda chuckled. “She’s just a child, I’m sure we can manage that.”

“Have you forgotten she is Tasdar’s daughter?” Oberon spat angrily. “She may not be dangerous now, but Tasdar is trying to find out where she is, and if he does, we’re dead.”

“So, what do you suggest we do?” Roger rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Ravenna doesn’t know about Tasdar yet, but if her powers begin to unleash, he’ll find her, and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s impossible to hide her or escape from this place, her magical energy will reveal our location.”

Oberon paced restlessly from corner to corner. “Wouldn’t it be best to get rid of Ravenna before she revealed her powers?”

“You mean... kill her?” Roger’s eyes widened in surprise. “Maybe, but Lynn hasn’t taken her eyes off her since the day she was born. Sometimes it seems like she reads my mind because she is always one step ahead of me. Even if I tried to kill Ravenna, it wouldn’t be that easy.”

“Yes,” Miranda agreed. “Honestly, I don’t understand why Lynn’s doing this. I mean, by protecting Ravenna, she’s showing she’s on Tasdar’s side because she could just get rid of her. But it’s probably too late now, Tasdar could find Ravenna’s trail at any moment.”

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