Chapter Two

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     As soon as Evan got off the plane, he texted Delirious.

E - I am here

D - Want me to pick you up?

E - You can pick me up anytime ;)

D - EWWWW As if

E - Just come pick me up

D - Be there in 15

     Evan turned off his phone and sat down and waited. While he was waiting I thought about the dare Mini, one of his other friends, gave him.


    "Hey Vanoss, I dare you to kiss Delirious" Mini spoke.

    "No man," Evan said was too fast. Evan's face suddenly had a pink tint to it and it didn't get passed Mini.

    "Come on," Mini whined. He was tired of knowing the two liked each other but were to scared to say anything about it. A suffocating silence filled the air around the two.

     "Fine," Evan said after a minute in an attempt to break the silence.

    "Yes!!" Mini started jumping around and pumping his fist in the air.

     "But," Evan started and Mini stopped like someone just slapped him,"you have to kiss Tyler." Mini's face got red. Like really red.

      "D-deal," Mini agreed shakily as extending his hand that was also shaking.

Flashback over

     "Hellooooooo. Earth to Evan. EVAN!"Delirious was in Evan's face.

     "Sorry," Evan laughed trying to cover the fact that his face had a light pink tint to it.

    "Its cool. Let's go," Delirious said running away. Evan ran after him.

    'Dang, he was fast' Evan thought. Soon, the pair were at Delirious' car. Delirious wasn't even panting or sweating.

    "Do you run often?" Evan asked as I got in the car.

    "Every day," Delirious answered, he avoided eye contact with his best friend.

   "Is everything OK, you were acting like you were sick on the phone?" Evan questioned as the boys pulled out of the parking lot. Delirious didn't answer him, afraid of him seeing through his terrible lying skills.

    It was a quiet 15 minutes or so to Delirious' house. When they got there, Delirious gripped his stomach and groaned in pain.

    "I am going to make something for us to eat," Evan declared as he was getting out of the car.

   "I will be in, in a minute," Delirious said. Evan walked in the house. Everything looked normal but something was off. He shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen. He opened the nearest cabinet and saw Mac n' Cheese and about 14 knifes.

     Evan thought that it was weird but it was none of his business so he shrugged it off and grabbed the Mac n' Cheese. As he got the other materials, he counted 36 knifes and 7 blades, some covered blood some not. Evan figured he would ask later.

    As Evan put the noodles in the bowl, Delirious walked in, closing the door behind him. He must need to use the bathroom because he straight up there. When Evan  finished, Delirious looked at it not eating although his stomach told him otherwise. Finally, Evan spoke up, cutting the deathly silence between the two.

   "You should eat," Evan said.

    "I am not hungry," Delirious lied. Evan laughed at his friend's stupidity.

   "Yes you are, now eat,"  Evan demanded. Delirious looked at Evan than back at his food. He sighed and took a bite. Delirious must have been hungry because he finished within 10 minutes. Then, he looked at his crush and started speaking nervously.

    "Evan, I-I..."he trailed off.

    "Come on tell me," Evan said with a racing heart. 'Could he like me too? No, he wants to tell you something else.' Evan thought to himself.

    "I don't know how to say this," Delirious said putting his head in his hands. Evan's heart was beating out of his chest at those words, he instantly felt like he was in a romantic movie.

    "Evan.." Delirious started crying before he could finish. It looked like tears he said he wouldn't spill. Evan ran over to him and started rubbing his back and he flitched.

    "I am going to bed," Delirious finally said after 3 minutes of tear spilling silence that made Evan feel helpless. Evan sat there and listen to Delirious cry in his bedroom before walking over to the couch trying to sleep.

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