Chapter Eight

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    Evan got of the hospital about an hour after Lui asked him out. Lui drove out to the hotel his new boyfriend was staying at.

    "Are you sure you want to go in by yourself?" Lui asked Evan.

   "Yeah," Evan responded and he got out of the car. Evan jogged up to building and run straight to hi room. Evan didn't unpack anything so he just grabbed his two suitcases and went downstairs to checkout. On his way down, Evan saw the same girl from when he had first checked in.

     "Hey Evan!" The girl chirped as she sprinting toward Evan. Evan sighed and waited for her to come to him.

      "Yes?" Evan questions hoping to get out of here soon.

     "Evan, my name is Ella and you need to come with me," the girl quickly explained.

     "What?!? I'm not going anywhere with a stranger," Evan stated and he crossed his arms.

     "Come. With. Me. Or I will hurt Lui, your boyfriend," Ella demanded.

     "Make it quick," Evan said, giving in to the crazy demand. Ella clapped her hands really fast then, she grabbed Evan's arm and pulled me away. Ella led Evan into a cellar where he saw a ton of pictures of....Delirious? No they weren't pictures, they were flat videos.

     "These are all of Delirious' memories," Ella said motioning to all the flat videos. Evan looked at one; it was in the hospital with Mini.

~     "Hey, I heard what happened," Mini said gently coming towards the broken man on the hospital bed.

     "I don't know what I did wrong," Delirious cried. Delirious tried to stay strong in front of Mini.

       "It is fine shhhhhh. Let the tears flow shhhhhh. Sometimes crying is the way the heart shows how hurt you are, it is okay," Mini soothed and he rubbing Delirious' back. Delirious broke down into a sobbing mess next to Mini as he gently stroked Delirious' back, whispering comforting words to him. Delirious soon lost time of how long he had been crying but, after a while, he had spilt all of his tears and his eyelids started to sag.

     "It is fine, I am here. Take a nap," Mini whispered into Delirious' ear. Delirious needed no more convincing and he passed out.


      Delirious saw Evan approaching him. He started to go towards him and but soon he stopped. Next to Evan was Lui with one arm around Evan's waist. Delirious gasped as Lui laughed.

     "Babe, I love you," Evan said affectionately.

      "I love you too," Lui replied as the two turned to face each other and pressed their foreheads together. They leaned in and their lips connected. Delirious couldn't take it anymore. Delirious grabbed his pocket knife out of his pocket. Delirious slid the sleeve off of the sharp object and sprinted towards Lui, blade pointing towards his chest.

      The couple stopped kissing and Lui pointed one finger at the attacking man. It was like some invisible force field froze Delirious in place. The pair in front of Delirious started to make out. The frozen man had no choice but watch. Delirious closed my eyes and screamed.

~      "Delirious, Delirious! DELIRIOUS!!" a voice hollered.

     Evan backed away and rubbed his eyes.

    "Yeah, Delirious wasn't cheating on you. Lui just wants to hurt you. Here," Ella clarified and she handed Evan a picture. It was Lui's memory. It was of him talking to himself.

      "I can't believe they all care about him all of a sudden. I mean I do to but I bet he just tried for all the attention. That's why he cuts, so everyone feels bad for him. Look, he even convinced Evan that Evan loves him. I hate Delirious. I know what I'm going to do, steal Delirious' man. I will just lie to Evan and tell him that Delirious is cheating him, he will feel so empty and will need to fill that hole. I will ask him out and he'll say yes," Lui spoke in just above a whisper as he rocked back in forth

    Evan blinked rapidly hoping that Ella was not telling the truth. Evan studied her face but he could see in her eyes that it was the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. Evan felt a ball of regret form in his throat, making it seem hard to breath even though he really could.

     Evan's breaths got closer and closer together until his eyes rolled back. His body fell to the floor with a 'thud'.

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