Chapter Seven

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    Delirious woke up in a hospital bed, again. Delirious groan, he looked at my arms and noticed they were covered in bandages. Delirious sighed and look at his left side. There was a note. It read:

Dear Jon,

  Evan wants to break up with you. He needed a shot after he saw your bloody body on the floor. He is in a different room right now. He is my boyfriend now so don't ever try to talk to him again. I win, Delirious I get your man and I get all of his love. Just die. Don't even bother leaving a note because no one will read it. Goodbye, Jon.


     Delirious reread the letter and tears started to form in his eyes.

   'He took my everything and said he won. Evan isn't a prize, he is a human begin,' Delirious thought. Delirious heard the door open and he shoved the note into my pocket. He looked up and saw his friend, Mini, enter.

     "Hey, I heard what happened," Mini said gently coming towards the broken man on the hospital bed.

     "I don't know what I did wrong," Delirious cried. Delirious tried to stay strong in front of Mini.

       "It is fine shhhhhh. Let the tears flow shhhhhh. Sometimes crying is the way the heart shows how hurt you are, it is okay," Mini soothed and he rubbing Delirious' back. Delirious broke down into a sobbing mess next to Mini as he gently stroked Delirious' back, whispering comforting words to him. Delirious soon lost time of how long he had been crying but, after a while, he had spilt all of his tears and his eyelids started to sag.

     "It is fine, I am here. Take a nap," Mini whispered into Delirious' ear. Delirious needed no more convincing and he passed out.


      Delirious saw Evan approaching him. He started to go towards him and but soon he stopped. Next to Evan was Lui with one arm around Evan's waist. Delirious gasped as Lui laughed.

     "Babe, I love you," Evan said affectionately.

      "I love you too," Lui replied as the two turned to face each other and pressed their foreheads together. They leaned in and their lips connected. Delirious couldn't take it anymore. Delirious grabbed his pocket knife out of his pocket. Delirious slid the sleeve off of the sharp object and sprinted towards Lui, blade pointing towards his chest.

      The couple stopped kissing and Lui pointed one finger at the attacking man. It was like some invisible force field froze Delirious in place. The pair in front of Delirious started to make out. The frozen man had no choice but watch. Delirious closed my eyes and screamed.

      "Delirious, Delirious! DELIRIOUS!!" a voice hollered.

      Delirious woke up covered in sweat and with a scratchy throat.

   "Dude, are you okay?" Mini asked. Delirious realized Mini was the one who had screamed his name in his dream. Delirious pushed his fingers up on his forehead and massaged it.

      "What happened?" Mini asked squatting next to his friend's bed. Delirious quickly recapped his dream out loud. As he finished, David, another one of Delirious' friends, walked in the room.

     "Hey wacha doing," David said with his extremely thick Irish ascent.

     "Nothing," Mini and Delirious said defensively at the same time making it seem like something was up even more.

     "So, you attempt suicide twice, you and Evan make out, you cry, then you end up in a hospital room alone with Mini, and I hear you both say 'nothing' at the same time when I ask what you were doing and you expect new to believe you? Should I?" David said sitting down.

    "Yes," Delirious giggled.

     "Basically" Mini said at the same time as his friend.

    "You guys suck," David said laughing.

       "And you swallow," Mini said pointing at David. The three all burst out laughing, forgeting their problems for a second. One second. Delirious sighed knowing his problems were not ever going to get better soon, if ever.

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