Roses Are Red (End)

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There is nothing more sad then waking up everyday knowing that the very person you loved is dead. Days seem to pass by and one forgets to eat, sleep, or even care. Welcome to Evan's life. He lives with his friend David who takes care of his friend as best as possible. Evan's usual tan skin had dulled and his throat hurt from all the nightmares he screamed through.

Evan will never get the sight of a bloody and bruised Jonathan begging for death. The kicks Lui inflected on the poor dead boy made Evan sick every time he replayed it in his head. The way Lui handed Evan the knife, forcing him to stab the male, was terrifying.

Evan kept telling himself that Jonathan would want him to be happy and not upset. That Jon was in a lot of pain. That Jon was going to die anyways. But, all these things would never take away the pain and guilt he felt.

He was supposed to be there for Jonathan, that's why became over, but he ended up killing him. He almost ended up with a bullet in his head himself but the S.W.A.T. showed up and shot Lui the death. David had called them when he had heard the loud noises from downstairs in his surprise visit.

David lost Lui and Evan had lost Jonathan. It was a bad household to be apart of yet the males stuck together. Mini brought them food and brought them to therapy even though Evan had given up on talking, choosing to be a mute. When asked why, Evan wrote down the following; if Jon can't hear me, then no one can.

Often times, Evan would sit on the roof at three, four, in the morning not caring if it was raining or snowing. Tonight, August 23rd at 2:30am, was one of these nights. The rain poured down yet Evan sat there emotionless. Suddenly, Evan's face broke into a frown and he pulled out his notebook. He quickly wrote something down, the pages getting wet. He set his pen and paper on the roof and stood up.

Now Evan stood on the roof, not at the edge for he didn't plan to jump. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife, the very knife that ended Delirious life, and the tears fell down his face.


"His last words were as following:

Roses are red
The sky is blue
Anything you said
I would do

I was there
Just for you
Until you wanted to leave
Or told me to shoo

But that's in the past
The roses are dead
The sky is gray
Everything's already been said

It might rain
It might shine
The sky might even drop some white
But do I dare cross the line?

To see you again
I'd take my life
So forgive me for using it
The very same knife

I'll see you again
Where the sky is blue
And the roses are red
Just know one thing

I love you"


I'm sorry for the weird plot twists that just happened. I hope this ending is more satisfying. I've decided I'm not going to touch this piece and just leave it as is so everyone can see my progress as an author. Okay bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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