Cutting Myself (End)

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Lui came downstairs after he finished playing with his precious David. He was in a very good mood and didn't really feel like hurting his two victims. Delirious had woken up fifteen minutes ago and Evan had fallen asleep around two hours ago. Lui yawned as he turned on the light. His eyes light up as he saw his new victim up.

"Jonathan! So nice to see you!" Lui greeted excitedly. Delirious' eyes became wide with fear as Lui came at him with a knife. Lui leaned over and undid Delirious' bounds.

"Cut yourself," Lui demanded. Delirious took the sharp knife out of his captures hand but just held it. Lui repeated himself louder and pulled out a gun. He aimed it at Evan and the craziness in his eyes told Jonathan he wasn't afraid to do it.

Jonathan lifted the heavy knife up and rolled up his sleeve. He looked up at Lui, his eyes begging for forgiveness. None was given. Delirious made the first, deep mark. Blood pushed its way out of Delirious' arm but he wasn't done. He continued to make more marks all the while Lui watched.

"David is mine," Lui growled and kicked Delirious. Jon fell to the ground and began to cry. Lui began to cry too as he beat Delirious with his fists. Finally, Lui wiped his eyes and stood up. He grabbed his gun and shot Delirious eight times before leaving.


Evan woke up hours later. The feeling and stench of blood hit him hard. As Evan was temporally blinded by the small amount of light, his heart raced. He opened his eyes to see an almost died Delirious.

"Evan," Jonathan panted out.

"Sh, stay still, I'll get us out," Evan said worriedly. Tears worked their way up to Evan's eyes but none left. Evan fought against his restraints harder than ever. They broke and Evan rushed to Delirious.

"Evan, I have been confused for a long time but I know now," Delirious forced out,"but I know now. I wish I could've told you earlier but things don't always work out."

"Jon pleases don't talk like you're going to die," Evan whispered.

"I love you. I love you not like a brother but as a lover," Delirious coughed.

"I love you too Jonathan," Evan said on the verge if crying.

"Can you do me a favor?" Jonathan asked.

"I'll do anything," Evan responded.

"Please kill me," Jonathan whispered so softly Evan almost missed it. Tears fell from his face as he nodded. Evan knew Delirious was in so much pain that it'd only be right. Evan picked up the knife Jonathan had used to cut himself and stabbed him through the heart.

"Thank you," Jon said painfully as he slipped away. Evan held Jonathan's body close to him as he sobbed. The sound of clapping echoed through the room.

"That was really pathetic," Lui laughed. Evan turned to face him only to be shot through the head. His corpse fell on top of his loved ones dead body. Lui's phone rang and he answered it.

"Hello Mini? What are you doing on David's phone?"

The End

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