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After Percy got the Quest I made my way to Olympus to make sure Zeus was about to strike anyone with lightning.

When I got there I immediately saw Athena and Posiden arguing but that wasn't out the ordinary. What was odd was my father, mother and step father getting along and talking. I tried not to make my shock obvious as I approached them.

I got hugged by my mother as she seemed happy to see me. "Hey Danae" she smiled down at me.

"Who's dead?" I asked. My thought went straight to Zeus or Hera cause which god wouldn't be happy about that?

"Everyone is alive but we are happy because Zeus and Hades are mega pissed at Posieden for breaking the oath and claiming that kid" my dad snickered. I raised my eyebrow at him and he stopped.

"Is anyone going to die?" I asked. My 3 parental figures had to think about it before any of them came to a conclusion.

"From what we know, no. Well that Percy kid might die after the Quest cause he is the result of a broken godly oath" my step-father commented.

"But it wasn't his fault. He wasn't asked to be born, just Like Thalia. It's Posieden that should be punished not the demi-god. Gods, you guys have no regard for these kids do you? Imagine that was me or one of your other kids." I said, disgusted they could think like that. Once I noticed their frowns and inability to keep eye contact I left.

I went to Apollo, the sun gods.

"Hey Danae" he smiled slightly. I sat next to him and sighed heavily. "Your parents pissing you off? I told them saying shit like that is a bad idea" he rolled his eyes and put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't take it personally but you do realise he can be the prophecy kid? He could be a danger to us" Apollo's glare softened.

"I know but he is only young. He doesn't deserve to suffer, Posieden does." I admitted in disbelief at the gods' actions towards demi-gods.

Out of everyone Apollo has always been my favourite. The reason being that he actually takes his kids into consideration and isn't a selfish brat. Apollo rarely asks his kids to do his work. We also get along better which I suppose is a bonus.

The only think that let me that night was the fact that if Percy goes to Trial then I'll be able to make the ultimate decision.

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