New Camper

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Danae's pov:

I had just arrived back at camp. I was here for a different reason than usual, that reason being Zeus' stolen bolt. Apparently one of these demi-gods did it and they want me to find out who.

I smiled as I approached Luke and he hugged me immediately and we kissed.

"Hey Danae" he pecked my lips again.

"Hey Luke" i laughed slightly.

"We have a new camper and I think you'll like him" he smirked. A new camper? That's odd since I wasn't told we were expecting one but oh well.

I walked to the Arena and saw a young kid, couldn't be older than 12, talking to Chiron. He had dark hair and piercing, sea green eyes. I tried not to stare too long but something about him seems different. The aura around him is like the one I saw on Thalia 7 years ago. I decided to brush it off and I stepped towards the two.

Percy's pov:

This is all insane. My history teacher turned out to be half

I got pulled out my thoughts when I saw two older kids walking in our direction. The boy was blonde and had a massive scar across his eye. He had blue eyes and he wore an orange camp half blood t-shirt, he also looked smug. Meanwhile the girl beside him looked the opposite. She had wavy, dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes. Her face was clear and untouched and she had a calm and collected look on her face. The biggest difference between the two was that she as dressed in a long white dress thing (I'll insert a picture at the end).

The girl smiled down at me whilst the guy gave me a pat on the head.

"Hi kiddo" he smirked. The girl rolled her eyes and gently slapped his hand before turning her attention back to me.

"Percy this Luke, the Hermes Cabin cancellor. And the girl next to him is Danae, his girlfriend and the goddess of Betryal and Judgment" Chiron informed me, i gulped and almost bowed but got stopped by Chiron's hand on my shoulder. "Luke, Danae, this is Persues Jackson but call him Percy or else he'll be offended" Chiron stated and the two just nodded.

As the three spoke i actually had time to take in the difference between the couple. The thing that caught my eye the most is how serious Danae looked compared to Luke. I mean, Danae looks pretty serious while Luke looks like a happy little kid.

I guess opposites attracted though.


The 'dress thing':

The 'dress thing':

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