Chilling with Apollo (final)

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I was sat in Apollo's Palace when he walked in holding a plastic bag. "I went shopping in the mortal world" he cheered lightly, showing off his blinding teeth. I raised an eyebrow at him, knowing dam well he didn't go anywhere. "Okay fine. I got that Annabeth chick to grab me some stuff" he admitted and rolled his eyes.

"Whats in the bag 'pollo?" I grinned. He just walked right past me to the kitchen. I frowned and looked back at Hephaestus TV. Today is Monday and that usually means an argument between Posieden and Athena, today is an entertaining one.

Athena is yelling at Posieden about getting his sea spawn away from her daughter. I would have laughed if I didn't still feel numb by Luke's betryal. Posieden then yelled something about Annabeth being a dumb blonde. Bad move. Bad move surfer dad. Athena then dramatic gasped and so did Zeus, who was there for gods know what reason.

I felt something next to me to I turned and saw Apollo with a bowl of popcorn and ice cream. I smiled at him and took some. We then carried on watching.

The two were now throwing some insults at each other, Posieden not understanding most of them. Posieden the pulled out a fake spider from his pocket and started chasing Athena with it. Apollo bursted out laughing and gods his laugh his contagious. I started laughing too and I almost choked on my popcorn. Death by popcorn didn't seem too appealing at the time (still doesn't).

We watched the drama go down further. Zeus ended up stopping it after Athena threated to smite Posieden out of existence. Our laughs carried on for another hour because of Apollo's stupid jokes.

Who knew the sun god could be such good company?

A/N: This is the last part but I might do a second book if you want!

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