Day Two

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-Deku Pov-

I woke up to my alarm going off on my phone. I tried to reach to turn it off but dabi had me pulled to his chest. I shook him slowly.

"Dabi. Dabi. Dabi!!"

His eyes opened and he said, "Turn it offf."

"I OBVIOUSLY can't if i'm being pulled down!"

He released his arms and I turned off my alarm. I sat up and stretched my arms above my head. I hadn't realized I was still naked until the blanket fell completely off of me. I tried to stand up but my legs gave out. I fell on the floor with a hard thud. Dabi leaned over the bed and looked at me smiling. Was he laughing?!

"I don't find you funny." I said giving him a death stare.

"I didn't ask." He said giggling and then turning back over to go to sleep.

I sighed and lifted myself off the ground and tried to steady myself. I was able to walk to my bathroom and I turned on my shower. I laid my towels on the counter and stepped in the shower. I felt the hot water run down my head to my feet. A very relaxing feeling drifted over me. After my shower I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I gathered all my stuff in my bag started heading downstairs after giving Dabi a kiss goodbye. Kurogiri was standing behind the counter.

"Are you going to have breakfast?"

"Eh, I'm not feeling it right now."

"Have a good day then."

I nodded and teleported outside. I teleported closer to the school by my favorite beach. I pass it every morning while walking to school. It was early morning so there was a yellowish pink glint over the horizon. And my music just set off the calming mood. I think today won't be that bad.


I walked in and sat at my desk while being greeted by Uraraka and Iida. We exchanged greetings and talked for a bit.

"So what do you think everyone's hero costumes will look like?" Uraraka said smiling.

"Well there's no real way to tell." I said looking around at the others.

"Quite right." Iida said. "But some people's styles are easily shown through their personality so we can make predictions." He said pressing his glasses up his face.

What a nerd.

Iida and Uraraka then went on blabbering about different kinds of hero costumes everyone would have chosen. It started to give me a headache before Aizawa walked in and they quickly went to their seats.

"Surely you all know, you'll be getting your hero costumes today. After getting them we'll start training for today. So find your suitcase and head to the locker rooms to change."

They all yelled yes sir and got up to get their suitcases. My costume wasn't much. I don't really need to stand out. It was mainly a black and white (mostly white) bodysuit with tight black belts around the waist. It also had a thick black gloves, little pockets everywhere for weapons, and a white hood with black lining. I would have gone for something a bit more formal and black but I figured I probably shouldn't if I wanna avoid looking like a villain. 

I grabbed my suitcase and headed to the locker room. Everyone started talking and showing off their costumes.

"Iida that looks sick!" Denki said picking up Iida's helmet.

"Thank you. I took a lot of inspiration from my brother's hero costume."

"Wow you guys' costumes are so cool," denki pouted. "It makes mine feel boring TvT."

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