Chapter 8: Research and Commitment

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Disclaimer: The rights to the Harry Potter franchise are reserved for J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
Since Draco's and Lucelle's confession to her, Narcissa has been doing research on soulmates and this spark. She hasn't told Lucius yet. She'll have to if he questions her behavior but so far his work has kept him too busy to notice. To be honest she was afraid of his reaction. Soulmates weren't common place or if they were they weren't talked about openly. The only references she could fine were children's books and an odd description in an old Black tome. She was getting desperate, she wanted to know what effects it would have on her children. Are they tied to their soulmate or could they love another, would the die if that boy died, or would the feel pain or give him pain vise versa. She was worried, so she wrote to an old Black ally hopping to get a reply. So now she waited.

The reply didn't come till three agonizing days for Narcissa. Luckily Lucius was still none the wiser. She hurried to the library to open the letter. As she read her worries were correct in someways but false in others as in could the twins love another, yes, but they will always feel as if they weren't whole or missing a piece of themselves. Would pain or death transfer between, no, but a feeling of the person pain or feeling of loss upon death. Placated in someways she may be but now it was for Draco and Lucelle to decide whether or not to commit to their soulmate. Then figure out how to tell Lucius. She had to ponder that one.

It wasn't till that evening did she wait in the library for Lucelle and Draco to appear. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the odds of finding their soulmate so soon or at all, what very the chances in that. The children walked in and sat down across from her.
"Children I have been researching the topic we all last discussed, soulmates." Started Narcissa. She was still uneasy about this whole thing.

"Yes mother, what have you found out?" Wonder Lucy. She was on the edge of her seat in anticipation. She wanted to know all about this feeling. She felt a needed feeling from her heart. She couldn't tell if I was from him or from her.

"We are both interested in what you found." Draco steadied himself, he still wasn't sure of this whole thing even if Lucy was. His sister talked about the feelings she was getting but wasn't sure what it was. Draco felt them too but keep quiet.

"Well other than children stories there isn't much written that I could find." Holding up the Black tome. "This had a reference of a Black ancestor having a familiar spark while traveling but nothing more. So I wrote to someone and was told little. It's no commonly discussed, but from all that I'm told is that he is indeed your soulmate." There she said it.

Lucelle's eyes closed, she was pleased. As a child hearing these tales had her always imagine her having a soulmate. Now it is real. He's out there, thankfully in England and hopefully he goes to Hogwarts. Her decision was already made. She wants to get to know him, grow to love him, cherish him. That feeling in her heart grew. She smiled, nothing else mattered now just him.

Draco wasn't as happy. He never wanted one like his sister but now he has.

"I was also told that you can love another but you'll feel as if your soul is missing apart of yourself."

Lucy nodded. She was already committed. Draco tho saw light in the darkness, he wasn't trapped into anything.

"But if either you or him experience any pain or get hurt, you'll feel it. Honestly don't know how but that's what I'm told. But upon death the other feels great sorrow. That's all I was able to find." There she laid all the cards on the table.

Draco decided he would see how it goes, there wasn't a rush he was only eleven. His whole lifetime ahead of him. He'd sit back and focus on his life first before worrying about this. Lucelle was now wondering how to find him and planning how to court him.

"On another note, your both Heirs to the Noble House of Malfoy one of the Sacred 28, your father will expect you to marry a pureblood and continue the Malfoy name for generations. This boy for all we know could be a muggleborn. You have standards that need to be kept. Your father isn't aware of this soulmate, but rest assured he will not be happy." Narcissa stated. Hopping that it would push them into the right direction. She really didn't want her children to get hurt.

"Yes mother, we know our duty to the household. I'm not going to actively pursue this soulmate. You are correct, as purebloods we have standards that need to be kept." Dictated Draco. This soulmate business was nothing to him. He was an Heir to a Noble House. He could be attached to a commoner.

Lucelle looked at her brother as he spoke. She didn't agree. Even if she was an Heiress she would be with him. Her heart soared when she declared it to herself. She knew her decision was correct. If he was a pureblood or not didn't matter. They were assuming he wasn't.

"I couldn't care less. Since I was told the stories I always imagined I would have a soulmate. Now I know I do and I've seen him. I'll find him and be with him. Draco can do whatever he wants but I'm committing to him," Lucelle proclaimed. She felt amazing, she never wanted to lose this feeling. Her soulmate needed her she was sure of it and be there she would no matter the obstacle.

Narcissa's eyes closed. Of course her little girl showed her Black determination. Why wouldn't she. Maybe it was her fault for read those books when putting the children to bed.

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