10: Close Quarters

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Disclaimer: The rights to the Harry Potter franchise are reserved for J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
Lance remained in his cabin, he didn't feel like trying to bring attention to himself. Pulling out a book to read till reaching Hogwarts he cozied himself in the corner. Smiling at his contentness. Nothing like a good book.

Knock knock, someone was outside Lance's cabin. He didn't answer or move. The door opened, in stepped two girls, he guessed muggleborns by the way they dressed.

"Excuse us but can we sit here?"

Lance looked up and nodded before returning to his book. The girls sat on the other side together talking to themselves, something about snakes and badgers. Lance guessed they came across some Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. Thinking about the houses, he didn't care as long as he got a room to himself so that limited him to two, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Out of the two he'd rather be a Ravenclaw. He could fly under the radar easier. Slytherin had to many ill conceived notions about dark wizardry. Not that he himself wasn't dark he'd be more grey a mix of good and evil.

The door slid open again this time it was the Heiress he knocked over in the Alley. Hopefully she didn't recognize him. But he had a feeling she wouldn't.
Lucelle was walking up the train cars, she started from the back. She decided on straightforward approach, find him then get to know him. She was getting closer to the front, but at about halfway she came across Draco and his friends. He tried to steer her away from her goal by trying introduce her to everyone. She already did tho; Nott, Zabini, Parkinson, Greengrass, Davis, Crabbe, and Goyle; everyone's families were in an alliance together including Malfoy. She stayed for a little bit, keep up alliance appearances and the like. Could give her mother and Draco anymore ammunition to nag her about her duties as an heiress again. The conversation was to her liking so she made an excuse and left. She disliked their discussion on Muggleborns or Mudbloods as they put it. She didn't have anything against them, magic was magic.

Her search continued; the feeling of his closeness was consuming her. Like she felt complete and more, like she could do anything as long as she felt like this. Setting a determined look onto her face she kept going. If he made her feel like this from this afar; how about in his arms, she shivered in anticipation. Shaking herself, she didn't want to rush it. One step at a time.

She was almost to the first car when her heart almost leapt from her chest. Looking at the last cabin on her right she stared at the door. He was in there. Steadying herself she opened the door. She found that there were two girls on one side and a boy on the other. He was reading quietly; the girls grew curious of her.

"Umm, mind if I sit here everywhere else is full," asked Lucelle.
"Umm, mind if I sit here everywhere else is full."

At this Lance almost snorted. Yeah right princess, on this huge train built to hold a lot more students than this there isn't anywhere else to sit. He felt as if he was getting pranked. Why had she picked here; two muggleborns and the guy whom knocked her on her ass. Lance smelled something fishy.

"Sure, it's always good to make knew friends right!" Exclaimed one of the girls towards Lucelle.

"More girls is all the merrier," said the other while sneering towards Lance.

He caught the sneer wondering what he could've done in the last five minutes that could have warranted it. Inwardly shaking his head, best to stay silent.

"Oh good thank you," she slid into the seat next to him. He looked as if the book was only thing he cared about but to the trained eye she could tell he was on edge suddenly. Was it her, she doubted it, the sneer from one of the others caught his attention.

"My name is Jillian and her name is Faye. We grew up in the same neighborhood but we're surprised to find out we're witches together." Greeted Jill. Faye nodded along with her.

"Pleasure to meet you both, I'm Lucelle Malfoy," smiled Lucy.

"Do you know what house you'll be sorted into?" Quipped Faye, "I hope to be in Hufflepuff with Jill." Jill smiles at Faye and nods.

"I'll be in Slytherin. All generations of Malfoy have been in Slytherin." Replies Lucy. Wondering why the girls were ignoring him in the corner. She turned to him. "What's your name?"

The girls didn't look interested in knowing anything from him. Sneering and looking offended. Then the heiress turned to him and asked his name. Looking up off the book towards her;

"My name is Lance." He wasn't going to give more information then needed. No point in bringing attention to himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lance, I'm Lucelle." Grinned Lucy. She felt as if she were on cloud nine. His eyes, his face, his voice; god she was in love at first sight. Her soulmate was handsome. His name was Lance. Now she had a name to his face. She wished they were the only ones in the cabin so she could only have all his attention, be in his presence. Her heart was pounding. She loved him. She would do anything to be his.

Lance looked at her. His chest was aching again. Why. He hadn't hit it he didn't think. Looking back at his training before now. No he hadn't so why did it hurt.  She looked to a appeased with his name, weird.

"What house do you think you'll be in Lance?" Lucy asked wanting to know all he knew.

"Who cares what he thinks he's just a boy. All they do is grunt and are bullies," Faye sneered with Jill nodding along just as annoyed.

Lucelle turned to them annoyed and angry. How dare she talk about him that way. His opinion means the world to her, she's his; not that he knows yet. It would be better off they leave.

"Hmm. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll leave you girls to yourselves. Sorry to offend you by being a male," said Lance closing his book and pocketing it. Tipping his cap to the heiress and walked out the cabin closing the door behind him. Drama wasn't something he wanted so he'd find a nice quiet place to read elsewhere. He headed down the train car.
The girls looked pleased with themselves. He left. They made him leave. Lucy wasn't happy. They hurt him, she felt it just then. Her chest aches. They drove him away. She was pissed now. She finally found him. Got to know his name, Lance, was about to ask him all sorts of questions; get to know him. All ruined by these two hussies.

"Good riddance"
"Yeah we didn't need him here. Girls only. Gross boys bye bye." They both giggling.

Lucy was livid. They called him gross. Her Lance gross. She got up and glared at them. Her inner Black coming out.

"You will rue this day you drove him away and angered me. I Lucelle Druella Malfoy will see to it!" Lucelle declared and marched out the door to find him slamming it in the process. She looked around, her heart ached. He was hurt and away from him. She needed to find him, protect him from people like them. He was hers and she was his. Determined and annoyed she set back down the train cars to look for him.

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