18: Allies

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Disclaimer: The rights to the Harry Potter franchise are reserved for J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
When they reached Flitwick's office and closed the door, Lance cast a silencer around the office.
"Well Mr. Walsh what is it you need this level of privacy for?"
"I need you to make a vow that what ever is said within this room won't be discussed with anyone without my permission."
Flitwick raises an eyebrow but swears the vow.
"Thank you Master Flitwick, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary. What do you know of the Extinct Five?"
"Well they are five of the Most Noblest and Most Ancient of all Houses in Britain, why?"
"Name them?"
"Well there's Pendragon, Emrys, La-Fey, Peverell, and Wals....; oh my, your?"
"Yes, Master Flitwick, my official title is High Lord Lance Catutigernos Walsh, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noblest House of Walsh, One of the Five, and Lord of the Most Esteemed and Most Revered Familia Claudian. Hail Caesar!" Lance salutes.
Flitwick is taken aback. He's in the presence of one of the most powerful people in all of Britain and probably of Italy. No wonder his ability in magic is so vast.
"What can I do for you Lord Walsh?"
"A family matter has come up and I wish to be excused for a few days. It's with the Hogwarts charter to allow such."
"Of course Lord Walsh, and if asked where you'll be located?"
"Have any messages be sent to Account Manager Ranguss at Gringotts Bank."
"Mhm, my account manager."
"I know he was a manager but I didn't know his status within. Sorry Ranguss is my first cousin. If he has your loyalty then," he bows to Lance, "then you my Lord have mine."
"Stand Master Flitwick, no ally of mine shall bow. We are equals."
"Thank you. You may be excused for a few days. I'll correspond with Ranguss."
"Thank you"
They shook hands and Lance canceled the spell. He then went to Flitwick's fireplace and Flooed to Gringotts.
Stepping out of a Gringotts fireplace he was met at spear point.
"Halt, state your name and reason."
Grunted a guard goblin.
Lance stood tall, back straight,
"High Lord Walsh to see Account Manager Ranguss, Family Business."
The guard froze and removed the spear.
"Sorry my Lord, I'll let him know your here," the guard ran out.
Lance figured in for a penny in for a pound now with his status reveal. Things needed to change in Britain and fast. He'd see to it. He he'd footsteps approaching.
"High Lord Walsh?"
"Yes, Ranguss. It's time."
"Indeed my Lord"
"Is the King available?"
"Your going to?"
"Yup, it's time the Extinct Five become alive again."
"I'll go announce you to him then," he headed off.
A little later the guard returned,
"I'm to escort you to his chambers my Lord."
Lance nodded and followed him to the Royal chambers. Upon arrival,
"King Ragnuk the tenth may I introduce High Lord Walsh, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noblest House of Walsh."
Lance bowed to King Ragnuk and waited to be acknowledged to sit.
"Lord Walsh stop bowing and come sit. I hear we have much to discuss."
"Yes your majesty"
"Quit with the formalities the Goblin Nation and the Claudians are allies from before Britain was a nation itself."
"Of course Ragnuk. Didn't know if someone pissed in your tea today or not," Lance laughed.
"Lance why now of all times do you want to show yourself? Not to mention seek an audience with me in hopes I'll pass your message on to the other Four."
"Not even a day worth of Hogwarts and the children of Britain offend anyone not of pureblood and through their status left and right. Muggleborns and even halfbloods just have to take the abuse. Not to mention the other races of this great nation. It's time for a change and tonight is a session of Wizengmont. I intend to attend. It's time for Britain to return to its former glory."
"Hmm, no swaying you from your decision. That Claudian blood within you won't let it lye. Hmm. I, High King Ragnuk the tenth, will honor the alliance with Familia Claudian and the Goblin Nation to back any decisions and battles even to death!"
"I, High Lord Lance Walsh-Claudian, will honor the alliance between the Goblin Nation and Familia Claudian! Hail Caesar!"
The two gripped each other's forearms and smiled.
"You'll alert the Four for me?"
"Yes, announce yourself tonight. Let our enemies know whom to tremble before."
"Yes, your majesty. See you soon,"
Lance marched out to the fireplace again and flooed to the Ministry of Magic.
Lance hid himself within the Wizengmont chambers waiting for the meeting. He already had his Roman armor on under his council cloak with his hood up to obscure his face. His Lordship ring in view and his High Lord crown in place. His family magics mixing with the chambers ancient magiks. The chambers recognized his magics and made his throne within the Extinct Five section gleam and clean. He smiled. They won't know what hit them. He was about to meditate till everyone arrived when another person hidden by a hood entered and looked around until spotting him an walked towards him. Lance spotted that the chambers cleaned another of the Five's thrones and smiled. Ragnuk followed through.
The person sat next to him in the back of the chambers.
"Why now? It's been centuries."
"Have you walked around Britain lately, saw how this nation has fallen. How the magical races are treated or how blood purity is rampant?"
"To be honest no, I've grown up in Norway. Haven't stepped foot in Britain till now. Is it that bad?"
"I'm sugar coating it, my name is Lance Walsh, you?"
"Walsh? They stayed in Britain? Shit, your family is the only one I think. Your not bull-shitting me about how bad it is are you? And I'm Arthur Pendragon. Yes I'm named after King Arthur my great great whatever grandfather."
"Hmm, Pendragon didn't think you'd turn up first. But thank you for answering my call. And yes it's that bad," handing him the current laws as of last year, "skim through those, the latest laws passed and enforced as of last year, you'll get a picture."
As Arthur skimmed Lance could feel his rage boil.
"How dare they?" His eyes glowed with power, "Walsh you have my backing and will explain it to the others. You do the talking till we are all caught up, okay?"
Lance nodded, "Planned to."
They sat their for an hour as council members trickled in and sat down. Lance and Arthur were joined by one other in the back; But they weren't approached by them. They were one of the Five cause three thrones gleamed in the light. Arthur said he'd handle it tho. So when Albus Dumbledore and Minister Fudge walked in Albus called for order,
"Order in these chambers, so we can start. Any old business to address?"
It was crickets in the chambers. So he continued,
"Okay, any new business to address?"
Hands were raised,
"Lord Nott, you have the floor."
He walked down to the floor in the middle and addressed the chambers,
"Ladies and gentlemen, we must address the werewolf issues of late, the killings in the north, something must be done, how can we live in safety of our homes or be safe outside if there is a fear of being attacked. I call for stricter laws to be put in place!"
As he finished there were a lot of cheers in agreement as he sat down.
Albus called on another,
"Lord Ogden"
"Lord Nott has a point the killings can not be allowed to continue, I call for the Ministry to send aurors."
He sat down, still more applause.
Albus spoke,
"Anyone else?"
Lance raised his hand.
"Step forward and recognize yourself to the chambers," called Albus.
Lance stepped onto the floor and dropped his hood, staring loud and clearly,
"High Lord Lance Walsh, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noblest House of Walsh!"
The chambers erupted in shouts of denial. Albus banged his gavel,
"Silence! Whom can verify your claim?"
It was quiet for a bit till,
"I can," Arthur strode forward and took off his hood.
"Recognize yourself."
"I am High Lord Arthur Pendragon, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noblest House of Pendragon!"
The chambers quieted, not one but two of the Extinct Five have announced themselves. Some had a bad feeling about this, it's been centuries since anyone of the Five were seen but now two at the same time.
Albus cleared his throat,
"Whom can verify your claim?"
A woman's voice was heard,
"I High Lady Olivia Le Fay, Lady of the Most Ancient and the Most Noblest House of Le Fay, can verify for both!"
A tall woman walked onto the floor and winked at Lance and Arthur.
"Any other of the Five wanting to announce themselves? Speak now please!"
Albus didn't feel like saying the same tagline thrice.
Two teen boys walked out from opposite sides of the chambers and joined the others.
"Aww, I wanted a cool intro too."
"Ah, shut it," smacking the other.
Shaking her head Olivia said, "Boys."
Albus smirked, "Would you two address yourselves?"
They both straightened,
"I am High Lord Henry Peverell, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noblest House of Peverell."
"And I am High Lord William Emrys, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noblest House of Emrys."
The chambers were quiet now. All five of the Extinct Five were present and accounted for.
Lance spoke to them,
"Shall we take our seats, Lady Olivia first."
"Thank you Lord Walsh"
The council watched as they sat in their section and on gleaming thrones with Lord Walsh at center flanked by Lady Olivia on the left and Lord Pendragon on the right, with Lords Peverell, next to the Lady, and Emrys, next to Arthur.
Albus addressed them,
"High Lords and Lady, I'm honored you have graced us with your presences. What brought you here today?"
Lance stood,
"It has come to our attention that magical Britain has fallen from grace amongst the world countries. Upon reviewing many of the laws and policies this governed body has an acted, we as in the Five have decided to step in and correct the flaws. Starting with abolishing all werewolf laws since the time of Lord Pendragon's ancestors first charter that was agreed upon by all magical races of Britannia. So I say it so mote it be done!"
Shouts rang through the chambers.
"Be that as it may. We also abolish all so called "creature laws". So I say it so mote it be done!"
Chaos erupted, bangs and shouts.
"Finally we abolish all "pureblood" rights! Long Live Britannia! So I say it so mote it be done!"
"So mote it be" Arthur
"So mote it be" Olivia
"So mote it be" Henry
"So mote it be" William.
Magiks glowed brightly around the chambers till it blinded all then flashed out.
Lance stated,
"Lady Magic has accepted our vows, we of the Five shall set a new standard. Peace be to all, Long Live Britannia!"

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