22: ..Meeting

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Disclaimer: The rights to the Harry Potter franchise are reserved for J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
Ranguss cleared his throat. The had poured over the contracts in preparation for this meeting. They were both older than everyone in this room. The Bones/Walsh contact was dated from 1584, with stipulations being that when an unmarried Lord Walsh took up his seat with Wizengmont the next eligible Bones woman will marry. Considering out of the two remaining of House Bones only Amelia was eligible, Susan wasn't due to a marriage agreement of her own with House Longbottom. Amelia while being unmarried at the age of 25 and just recently became Head of the DMLE was the only Bones eligible. Her account manager wasn't happy that he didn't have a record of the contract but they tested the validity of the contract and it was validated and active. Amelia was the notified, to Ranguss's knowledge Amelia wasn't happy.
The Clearwater/Walsh contact being even older dated as back as 950. The House of Clearwater and the House of Walsh were considered allies back then constructed the contract in hopes of furthering the alliance. There was a falling out around the 1200's. The contract lost to both but only activated since the only Walsh remaining was male and an active Lordship. There account manager definitely didn't have any knowledge of the contract being that House Clearwater had lost its higher status long ago. Still as valid and active as the other. Mr. And Mrs. Clearwater were blindsided by the news and Miss Clearwater wasn't told till moments before. She was silent and not making eye contact with anyone.
"Ladies and gentlemen this meeting was called on behalf of Lord Walsh after receiving the results of a Bond/Contracts Test. To which showed the contracts to be active between Houses Bones and Clearwater to House Walsh. From there I notified your account managers we validated that both contracts were activated. Any questions?"
Amelia spoke up,
"How old was the contract? What activated it? What are the obligations within?"
Ranguss pulled out an really old parchment carefully. Reading it throughly and stating,
"It's dated from 1584. It was activated when Lord Walsh took his seat in Wizengmont. Your obligations are to ally each other's Houses and your personal obligation are to marry before Lord Walsh turns fifteen and to sire one heir for each House."
Lance's hands were squeezed by Lucelle supporting him,
'It will be okay I'm here'
Lucelle didn't like the way Amelia was glaring and sneering at Lance. For someone so revered as Head of the DMLE, Lucy lost all the respect she had for her. The contracts weren't Lance's fault, he didn't know about them either. Lucelle glared back at her and her Black showed,
"Quit glaring at him. He didn't know about the contracts either. He didn't activate them spitefully just unknowingly."
Ragnuk nodded, she was right Bones wasn't acting her age. The little spitfire was correct. His friend didn't have anything to be guilty for or the have the blame lay at his feet. The Bones manager saw Ragnuk's nod after the girl spoke, Amelia needed to tread lightly.
"Who are you to speak to me like that? He activated it. If would of just stayed away none of this would be happening."
Lucelle wanted to curse her. Lance wasn't the problem. Ragnuk didn't like Bones's words.
"If I were you I'd stay silent. This meeting was called to have an understanding amongst all parties not a lynch mod against anyone upon unknown circumstances."
Ragnuk felt rage for his friend. He deserved better than a woman whom totes around to think before speaking but does opposite when facing a frustrating situation. The Bones manager was disappointed in his client, she caught the eire of the King.
Penelope looked up at Madam Bones in surprise was she really blaming him of wrongdoing. He didn't know, no one did. She glance to Lord Walsh, his face was emotionless but his eyes shone hurt. She didn't want him to be hurt cause of an unknown.
"Lord Walsh my opinion is different then of Madam Bones. I don't blame anyone. No one knew of the contracts, they are older than Hogwarts itself. I agree with the King, I'm here to get an understanding then go from there."
Lucelle smiled to Penelope. Maybe she'd find an ally and friend in her. Her understanding showed her house of Ravenclaw. Penelope smiled back. She'd talk to Lucelle later, she seemed close to Lord Walsh she'd take it one day at a time. Ranguss cleared his throat again,
"Now the Clearwater contract is just a basic marriage contract. No obligations other then marriage till death, no obligations of siring. Just marriage before Lord Walsh turns fifteen like the Bones contract."
Penelope nodded. She'd get to know him, they shared a house in Ravenclaw and from wait Aubrey said he's magically talented.
Lance sat still without saying much. His emotions were a roller coaster, he knew his fate was sealed but the anger thrown at him by Madam Bones hurt him. It wasn't his fault but there was nothing he could do. At least Penelope look to have taken a more friendly approach, maybe this could work out. Currently he wasn't thinking positively. Lucy was still furious at Bones and was pleasantly surprised by Clearwater but then again she's a Ravenclaw, they think logically. Bones was a Hufflepuff if she was correct, she figured she'd need to become friends with her niece to get to know Bones better.
Amelia felt betrayed by her family, tho she had no one to blame; having the King of the Goblin Nation scold her tho set her head back on track now she felt bad for her actions and words towards her betrothed, but she had said enough today. She would approach him at a different time and apologize. Try to start over. She'd probably have to apologize to everyone in this room bar Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater. She figured she had a lot of thinking to do.
King Ragnuk wasn't happy about this meeting, his friend from youth was torn to shreds but be didn't say anything. The hurt look in Lance's eyes wasn't something Ragnuk was ready to see. He vowed to help out in anyway.
Ranguss throat stung from clearing it so much but again he did,
"I'd like to thank all of you for showing up for this meeting of understanding on behalf of Lord Walsh. This meeting is adjourned, if you have anymore questions ask your managers. Have a good day."
Ranguss could see that Lance needed space. He hadn't talked at all. Bones and her manager left first, no words said tho Bones didn't look at anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater followed their manager out next. Penelope stopped next to Lance and Lucy,
"I'd like to get to know the both of you personally, I'll see you at Hogwarts."
Lance looked at her and nodded,
"Thank you," his voice was ruff.
Penelope left. Lance looked around and ask Ragnuk,
"Is the training room in your office still equipped?"
Ragnuk nodded.

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