23: Aftermath

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Disclaimer: The rights to the Harry Potter franchise are reserved for J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
'Clang, clang, clang'
Lance was hacking away at goblin guards with his gladius and shield in hand. He was currently in King Ragnuk's training room. The guards always jumped at the chance of combat. Lance always thought best while under pressure. He sidestepped a swipe and bashed his shield into the extended arm eliciting a groan from the guard as his arm hyperextended. The soulmates already through him through a loop. Three of them, thank Merlin Lucy was one of them. She was a firecracker of a young lady but she'd have my best interest at heart. Unfortunately another of his soulmates was her brother Draco. Bigoted, self righteous boy; how in the name of Merlin was that a possibly of soulmates. He didn't question Lady Magic but it didn't seem possible. The the unknown soulmate. He ducked a swipe of a spear and leg swept the offending guard before knocking him out with the hilt of his gladius. He jumped back and survived the carnage. Sweat drenched and breathing heavily he looked to Ragnuk,
"Come comrade, let's test your metal. It's been away since we had a contest."
Ragnuk sighed he'd had hoped that the guards were going to be enough but guess not. He excused himself from the conversation with Lucelle and Ranguss to grab his armor and battle axes. It had been a few years since is last contest with Lance but they didn't walk away from it either. Now Lance has more experience fighting and more often. Not that he had slackened with his own training but he was also busy running a nation. Geared up and getting into the mindset as he stretched striding towards Lance who's own battle ready stance was more loose and he's bouncing with excitement. Running towards each other their gladius and axe met in a loud clang before all hell broke loose.
On the sideline where Ragnuk left them Lucy watched in awe as Lance battle the King of the Goblin Nation. They looked evenly matched, but to the goblin next to her, Ranguss, he looked worried when Ragnuk was challenged.
"Is everything okay Ranguss?"
"Yes and no, yes as in Lance and Ragnuk' will have fun. No as in the last time they battled neither one walked away from it unscathed. Ragnuk's scar on his left shoulder, the deep looking one was from the last battle. Lance has one on his right hip. They lost a lot of blood last time and didn't wake up for another week afterwards. Our healers are already treating the guards," he gestured to the left wall, "but as you can see even they know this isn't going to end well. They keep looking over the battle. So as you can see my answer is yes and no."
Lucelle's eyes widened ask Ranguss explained more and glanced at the healers who were indeed very concerned about the battle happening before then.
"Ahhh! I'm gonna get you runt"
"Your skills are rusty if I already drew blood oldman"
"I'll give you blood brat"
The battle picked up in intensity. Ragnuk bleeding from his right hip, Lance looked to tire but his intensity picked up, but the smile on his face never left him.
Lucelle was enthralled by Lance's movements she almost missed the group of people whom sat behind them watching the bout.
"Ranguss, how long have they been going at it?"
"Lord Arthur they started about fifteen minutes ago but Lance has been fighting guards previously for around an hour."
"The kid can fight. I know our skills don't compare."
"He was trained since the age of three to hold a sword. He has years of experience"
The lady behind Lucelle gasped,
"Three, why so early?"
"England hasn't always been peaceful, you four would know the struggles he's been through. You all were raised by family aboard."
Lucelle looked at Ranguss,
"Whom are they?"
"Ah my apologies Heiress, they are Lady Olivia Le Fay, Lord Arthur Pendragon, Lord William Emrys, and Lord Henry Peverell. This is Heiress Malfoy."
"Why she here?" Olivia asked.
"I'm here cause I can be, have a problem with that?"
"Yes cause little girls belong in school."
Before anyone could retort and bang was heard and a dagger was sticking into the wall beside Olivia's head blocking her view of Lucelle. They looked over to the battle to find Lance's eyes glowing with power staring at Olivia while still battling Ragnuk to a standstill.
"She's here cause she with me! Have a problem with it I'll take you on now along with the oldman!" Growled Lance as he block an axe strike with his shield.
Lucy's heart beat rapidly at Lance's challenge to Lady Olivia. He'd fight two on one just for her. He protects her even from a battle of his own. Lance ducked and leg swept Ragnuk quickly and pointed his sword to his throat,
"Yeah you win this time brat," chuckled Ragnuk. As Lance pulled him up. They were both bleeding from razor thin cuts except the gash on Ragnuk's right hip.
"Hope you start training more. I need a better challenge next time."
"Throwing that dagger mid block was impressive"
"I don't even remember doing it. All instincts."
Lucy jumps a barricade to stride to Lance and was about to hug him when his hand stopped her,
"I'm covered in blood and sweat. We still have to return to Hogwarts, I don't need to explain why your covered in my blood. I'm probably already in trouble."
"Then let's clean you up and go get our punishments"
Lance just laughed as the healers walked them to the infirmary.

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