Chapter 1: Goodbyes

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The day I had dreaded had finally arrived. The day I would be leaving everything I ever knew and venturing into the great unknown. Like usual I woke up at 6:30 and put on my school uniform; a red polo shirt with the school's logo, khaki pants, and red and white high tops, then proceeded to get ready with my hair and other morning tasks. My mom drops me off at school at 7:15 in the morning and I head inside the gym knowing that today is the last day I will see some of the people I have known since kindergarten. As I enter the gymnasium I see my best friend Melanie come up and hug me with tears in her eyes. " hey it's okay ill come visit " I say knowing well that it won't help solve the situation we are in. the morning consists of me hugging and saying goodbye to my piers. The rest of the day was mostly the same thing with me saying goodbye to teachers and balling my eyes out until lunchtime came. We enter the lunchroom I see a whole potluck had been set up by my teachers and friends to say goodbye. Lunch passed pretty quickly and a couple of my friends had brought gifts for me to say goodbye, along with the passing of phone numbers. The day came to an end fairly quickly and then came the event I had dreaded all day. We loaded all our belongings into our cars and started our journey to our new tropical paradise in Orlando, FL. We drove for 3 days till we arrived at a hotel that would be our home for a couple of months until we were able to find an apartment. Luckily on May 17th, we moved into our apartment where my life would be turned upside down over and over again.

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