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“ Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me ” - Taylor Swift

11: 11 ───ㅇ───── 12:12


The time when I knew that my heart was thumping faster whenever both of us were always together. The skies were paled, dark orbs filled the horizon of our settings, the chatter of people was constantly surrounding our chaotic environment, and vibrant lights and honks of cars were heard across our inches of distance. I witnessed your hazel eyes sparkling under the splash of moonlight, your actions were clumsy yet I find myself thinking as to why I didn't witness this rare demeanor of yours.

I held your hands, bringing them closer to my palm. You confusedly looked at me, though you didn't complain when I gave you a smile of assurance. Finally grabbing the courage, I breathed closer next to your ear, confessing something that I've always wished you wouldn't understand.

" Build, Je vous aime beaucoup et je prie Dieu que vous ne connaissez pas le français. " I genuinely whispered, while your hazel eyes again caught my gaze. I could sense that there were millions of questions that were wandering, asking, fighting for an answer, though you chose to answer me just how I admitted my feelings to you.

" Je t'aime aussi "

My eyes widened in shock when you confessed to me that you love me too.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

A/N; Hello to all my dear readers! The meaning of those words are;

[ Build, Je vous aime beaucoup et je prie Dieu que vous ne connaissez pas le français. ]

[Meaning: Build, I love you a lot and I pray to God you don't know french.]

[ Je t'aime aussi - I love you too ]

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