Chapter 2: Paradise in love

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Chapter 2

" All these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret" - Taylor Swift


- Nothing is permanent in this universe, so why did my feelings wasn't fading until now? -

I swallowed the lump inside my throat, grabbing the courage to continue walking on my path. It hurts me, just to recall the awful past that had happened before. Regrets and excruciating apprehension were still devouring my head till now, no matter what choice neither option will I make, all of it was useless and pointless if Build wasn't surely a part of it.

" Bible!"

Some person called my name, and I'm truly certain that this boy was the only one who could call me softly in such a tender voice, giving me some kind of assurance and assistance that I wouldn't stay all by myself without his presence beside me.


In just a blink of an eye, his delicate figure was already facing my frozen posture, scanning my flattered expression with his little hazel eyes. His genuine smile welcomed my gloomy atmosphere, patting my head as always whenever he meets me.

My beliefs would stay that I certainly saved the whole kingdom in my past life.

" Build? What happened?" I asked.

" Guess it!" He excitedly publicized it, which made me think thoroughly.

I raised my eyebrows, though I couldn't still figure out why he would follow me in the middle of the afternoon. He was acting suspiciously since he approached me earlier, yet I knew that this little boy couldn't really harm my masculinity.

" Tell me, What happened?"

" Does it matter? Come, let's go to your place!"

Not giving me the time to refuse, he held a tight grip against my wrist, dragging our bodies through my chaotic apartment.

As we ran freely through the vacant corridor, his hair was messy and ruffled, fighting against the chilly breezes. His hands against my wrist were perfectly colliding, like both of us were made from each other's company. The way he would slightly tilt his head next to mine, checking my condition, though what bothers me is that his smile wasn't genuine when he looked at me with those fabricated expressions.

Something definitely bothers him.

Reaching my apartment, he disregards his shoes outside the room before stepping inside the region. I did the same and eventually followed him towards my bedroom. He didn't even ask my permission and he just randomly picked my place for him to get through.

Surely, something really happened before my departure

" Biu, what's wrong with you lately?" I started the conversation.

" Huh? What's wrong with me?"

" Answer me " I sternly stated, bringing my hands from both sides of my hips.

" Nothing! What do you mean by lately? " I knew that he was lying when he suddenly raised his voice. He's bad at saving himself, to be honest.

" Did you fight with your father again?" An idea suddenly comes out of my mouth, scolding myself as to why I would even bring that question. I know it hurts him. Though, I wanted him to understand that I'm staying on his side whatever happens.

" As always" He muttered, low enough for me to comprehend. He sat across my cozy mattress, pressing his body on my blanket.

I sat beside his posture, crossing my arms as if nothing happened. It wasn't until Bui spoke beside me, " Would you miss me Ble if someday I vanished?"

I observed his expression with my Almond pupils, I couldn't truly perceive if those questions were intentional or hypothetical. I almost furrowed my eyebrows when I sensed that he was dead serious about this matter. " Just so you know, I'll definitely dig my grave beside yours"

" That's-too much..." He uttered, surprisingly, an evident smile slipped on the corner of his lips.

" It's nothing compared to your questions. You're more worth it than you've ever imagined Biu" Worth it than a mere person's heartbeat

He unexpectedly moved closer to my face, somehow admiring every single structure and details along my facial expressions. I almost pushed his face against mine, though in my amazement, he snatched a kiss through my virgin lips, smiling innocently like he wasn't typically certain about his acts.

Blinking twice, he uttered a comment about kissing me out of nowhere,

" It's soft"

The feeling was indescribable. My senses were giving me another unsettled feeling. The way Build's lips collided against mine, it felt right in the fanciest way, but wrong in the most ambivalent way of thinking. His lips were chilly as ice, perhaps, the temperature inside my room increased when I opened the window.

Although, something feels odd.

" Let me live here for seven days "

Intervening on my thoughts, he bluntly admitted, and what's more suspecting is that he's unusually acting than his usual self. Seven days is too long, his father might search for him missing if Build wouldn't report anything from his family.

" What about your father? He might get worried"

" He won't. He wouldn't even care if it's regarding my death"

Even though the tone of his voice was pale, gloomy, and disconsolate, deep inside I could tell that he was suffering.

What's worse is that, the fact that even when he felt cheerless in his miserable times, the smile on his lips never left him alone. Not even once.

If deities would ever grant me a piece of wish, I'll ask them to remove those endearing smiles of Build. Cruel but reasonable.

I'd rather witness him down most of the time than see him smile in his sorrowful moments. It's okay to not be okay they say, but Build was the opposite. He'd rather choose the happiness of everyone than select his own.

" Alright, seven days. You're welcome"

Seven days was too much. But in those seven days of moments, I'll make it up for him.

He deserves much better than he is now.


A/N; Helloo to all my dear readers! What do you think about this chapter? Let me know in the comments! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

{ ATTENDANCE CHECK: To all my active supporters or not who kept supporting my stories, say present together with a heart blue shape ;) }

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