Chapter 7: Certain Assurance

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Chapter 7

" Don't want no other shade of blue but you " - Taylor Swift



Build could feel on his surroundings, a pair of eyes rather, staring deliberately on his messy but quite gracious appearance on the outside. Although he was savoring his deep slumber right this instant, perhaps, his sleep could be postponed because of Bible's eyes, whereas the latter would eventually observe his movements even when the slightest move that he was imitating.

He felt like he was being undressed, yet the idea of it doesn't sound disgusting on Build's shoes. Maybe because they were friends after all.

" Biu, what do you want to do today?" Bible asked, stretching his arms above his head.

" Sleep " Build retorted.

" Not a chance, we need to exercise your muscles at least. I don't want to repeat the same scenario yesterday" Bible seriously scoffed as Build could already decipher the obvious seriousness of his friend's tone.

" Just five more minutes" Build requested.

Bible sighed as he spoke, " Fine. I'll just shower real quick and I hope I'll find you awake after my bath "

Bible grabbed his clothes in his drawers, a single piece of boxers, and shorts in his palms, together with his gray shirt of his favorite tank top. Build could only hum as his response, fully ignoring Bible's statement.

Since his body was truly knackered yesterday, he's more satisfied with sleeping rather than exercising his body which was practically a big 'no' for him. Bible already finished his quick shower, though in his surprises, Build were still sleeping peacefully on their bed.

Even though his patience was being tested on this day, he decided to order a scrumptious breakfast for the two of them, hoping to lure the brunette from an intense sins of gluttony. As if like he have got more other options

Build was rashly pacing back and forth on their bed, attempting to find the most comfortable spot on the cozy mattress. Bible could only stare at those actions, as he didn't realize that he almost died because of Build's lovable schemes. In Bible's perception, this is the ultimate perfection that he had witnessed on this day.

The meal arrived when one of the hotel staff arrived in their rooms. Bible paid and closed the doors as he made his way towards their bed. On the other hand, smells of their exquisite breakfast lingered around his nostrils as he Immediately opened his eyes to view the delicious meal.

" Wash your face and eat, " Bible suggested, ruffling the brunette's wrinkled hair. " Can I eat first? I'm lazy" Build yawned.

" Alright " Bible permitted, handling the steaming food on the brunette's lap. Indeed, together with a tray. Build could only giggle in triumph as he slowly realized that Bible was getting submissive lately. Although he's taking the advantage, he couldn't stop his tactics because he himself was certainly enjoying.

" Why aren't you eating, Biu?" Bible questioned.

" Lazy. Feed me " Build pouted, poking the beef with his bare hands.

" Easy, it's cooked alright. Don't play with food " Bible chuckled, shaking his head unbelievably.

" Feed me" The brunette protested, pushing the tray that was on his lap.

" Fine. What do you want?" Bible placed his food on top of the table as he directly grabbed the brunette's tray.

" There, the donut," Build pointed out.

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