Chapter 3: Smiles of adoration

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Chapter 3

" Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years? " - Taylor Swift


MONDAY || 1/7

Every love has its own beauty, more ravishing than it seems. If treasuring, care, worship, savor, and many other more defines the true value of love, would sacrificial traits can be sufficient and valid?

" Biu, what was the last time you did something for the first time?" Bible asks, holding the encyclopedia in his hands.

Build were only closing his eyes beside Bible's posture, resting his arms above his head, humming softly and meditatively, enough for the two of them to feel comfort and ease. He opened one of his eyes, an evident of adoreness was all written inside his hazel pupils. That adoreness was certainly just meant for one person.


" Kissing someone who's very special to me " The other cheerfully replied without any trace of doubt, interlocking his fingers together with Bible's.

" Your hands are cold" Bible uttered a reply, concern and baffled expressions were painted on his face. He couldn't help but to feel hopeful and concerned at the same time.

" Yours are just warmer, last night was very chilly"

Uncertainty, Bible accepts those responses without thinking deeper than it seems. He secretly narrowed his gaze from Build's movement, cherishing its features and components, even the tiniest details that Build would ever scheme, Bible wouldn't let those opportunities slide.

The way Build's ear would turn cherries whenever the latter would feel appreciated and loved, In secret, Bible would always admire those little things. His love for colors, especially the shades of blue, he would always notice those whenever the boy would always buy its clothes.

Tiniest things matters for Bible if knowing Build was his objective. You could say that it's his love language for loving a person. Not some random person, Build would be the best symbolizations.

" Ble, let's bake some cookies" Build offered while looking at Bible, that almost his eyes could glimmer with stars just how it could truly tests Bible's zenith.

" Biu wants to bake some cookies? Alright, let's bake!" He mumbled under his breath, sufficient enough for Build to assimilate. A small smile apparently built from the corner of his lips, caressing Build's hair softly, sniffing the floral lavender scent of Build's brunette hair.


Ingredients were already prepared on the counter top, Bible and Build were already wearing their aprons and gloves, Bible was preparing the dough while Build was trying to work with the designs and decorations for the cookies.

" Biu, are you finished with your tasks?" Bible asked, tilting his head from Build's direction.

" Biu, what's wrong?" He asks with concern.

Bible observed Build's movement, though what surprises him is that the boy wouldn't stir from his place, constraining his posture while eyeing the chocolate and sprinkles. Bible thought it was different. Something about Build changes when he starts approaching him yesterday.

" You can just watch if you don't feel like baking" Bible assured him with some comforting smile, massaging Build's shoulder, somehow sending some positive message that everything will went smoothly as it seems.

" Sorry " Build lowered his head, his face facing the floor, like he'd committed some unforgivable crimes though nothing seriously happened.

" Don't be, Biu. It'll be my pleasure to serve you " Says Bible, winking his eyes as his lips form an evident smile. As well as, Build genuinely returned those smiles, though Bible only ruffled his hair as a compensation.

Soon, Build clasped the chair on his side, as he made himself comfortable by sitting on its surface. Build examined Bible's actions whenever the man wasn't focusing on his presence, and as he observed, Bible was certainly determined from his tasks. It made him slightly giggle, though he tried to keep his mouth shut as soon as Bible noticed those tiny laughs.

After waiting for an hour or two, the cookies were finally baked while Bible Immediately rushed to open the cover and released the cookies inside the oven. Fortunately, it wasn't burnt as they predicted. The cookies were still edible, though the side were slightly roast.

" Smells appetizing! " The other complimented, clapping his hands together while his pupils shone in excitement.

Bible on the other hand, though he truly gives his best from baking the cookies, guess he's more suitable in tasting than baking. He placed the cookies on the center of the plate, separating the burnt one from the other.

Hesitating, unconvinced, and embarrassed, he allows the boy to inspect his creation, luckily, Build grabs a bite without waiting for the other's permission.

" This tastes exquisite, Ble!"

Even with the compliments, Bible was having its own doubts. " Still?"

Build shook his head in agreement, munching the cookies to taste for another bite. He was certainly enjoying the cookies, even if the sides were slightly burnt.

Contemplating the view, Bible couldn't help but to question if the universe did really grant him this person, or fate was really compassionate by conceding Build onto coming from his life.

Build was precious. More priceless than a piece of rubies and diamonds. Although both of them encountered each other Last Autumn, Bible could sense that Build and him have this potential, such as deep connection within each other.

Twenty years or twenty seconds, Bible was certain that he's excited from knowing this boy, deeper than usual.

" Guess, let's design it then!"



The skies were dark, serenity spread all throughout the placid town, tons of people were already in their deep slumber though Build's eyes were still staring deeply at the ceiling, focusing from sleeping although his body wasn't actually cooperating with him.

Even though his eyes were on the verge of resting, he couldn't sleep peacefully. As if there's this problem that he had been always hiding inside his chest, and he couldn't let it out because of his lack of confidence. He's more terrified to speak it through since he's worried about Bible's feelings. He's anxious about the boy's reaction. What if he despises him? Worst of all, even leave him.

Build's sanity was getting wild. He couldn't decide what's the right thing to do. It's getting complicated whenever days would eventually pass by. Though, he chose to apologize since it's the least thing that he could compensate once Bible finally knew the truth.

" I'm sorry, Ble " Build murmured, as a couple of tears streamed through his temples.

Please forgive me.


A/N: Hello to all of my dear readers! Ohoo, I'm also dying to know what's that secret Biu(⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) You could advise your author to update daily!

Anyways, those comments really boost my energy everyone (⁠'⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) I luve you all!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned!

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