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One of the worst feelings ever. Your heart begins racing  for another reason, yet it feels like it's dying. It's not fluttering  like butterflies anymore. The only butterflies you have are in your  stomach. The kind that churns and upsets it. Sweat trickles down your  brow. Your whole body is sweating and you feel faint. You feel like  you're about to cry while your eyes fill up with the salty liquid  threatening to spill. Your head's spinning. You're asking yourself a  million questions.

Why did I ask them?

Is this really happening?

Why did they say "no"?

What did I do wrong?

What's to become of us now?

How are others going to respond once they find out?

What have I done?

A little boy. A part of the combined choir for the  middle and high school. Fell for one of the tenors. The tenor, however,  was a senior in high school and the little boy was in the eighth grade.  Age didn't stop him, though. He had very strong feelings for the guy.  Even if the guy put on a rebellious image, he was still considerate. He  cared for people, even if he didn't show it. He always put others before  himself. And not to mention that he had looks girls craved for and  guys'll kill for as well as a great singer.

It was around May and the guy was going to graduate in a week or so.  Though the boy knew it was nearly impossible to be with him, he still  wanted to tell him how he felt. And maybe. Just maybe. He'd feel the  same way.

The boy told the older guy to meet him in  the hall after choir rehearsal. "Okay," he said in a high pitched voice,  starring at his feet. "I'm gonna tell you something."

"Just hurry up," the older guy said.

The boy adjusted his big, round glasses that were nearly falling off. He had a lot in his mind. Okay, you can do this.

"Hurry up, Eren."

He  finally mustered all of his courage and bawled his hands into  determined fists. He looked up at the taller male. "Levi...I-I  like you!"

Levi had a face that did not please Eren. He  looked....disgusted. "Oh," he said. "So that's what you wanted to say?  You like me?"

"Y-yes. I know I'm younger than yo-"

"Age isn't the issue here."

"Well,  I mean you really don't have to say anything. You don't even have to  return the feelings. I just wanted to tell you before you graduated."

"  Is that so?" Before Eren knew it, a foot came hurdling towards his  stomach, making him fall. "Why the fuck would I return the feelings? You  fucking faggot. Gay people are disgusting."

"W-what about bi people?"

Levi kicked him again. "Don't  get smart with me, brat. If you like the same gender, regardless of  your sexuality, you're a fucking shit stain that needs to be wiped out  of this world."

"Okay, but that doesn't mean you have to go about hitting people."

Levi  bent down and grabbed the front of Eren's shirt. "I believe the best  discipline is pain. And clearly you need to be punished for being a damn  faggot." He punched him, making his glasses fly off. "Gay people make  me sick. They fucking do this bullshit for attention."

"  T-that's not true. It's scientifically proven that you don't choose you  sexuality." Eren looked up with pleading, yet angered eyes. "You can't  choose who you love!"

Levi picked Eren up by the collar  and slammed him up against the lockers. "Well it looks like I'm gonna  break science. Don't ever fall for me or any other guy, understand?"

Eren's  legs squirmed and dangled. He tried to push Levi's arm back, but that  only made his grasp tighter. Eren wanted to fight back. He's fought back  people before. But this time he couldn't do so. Not just because Levi  was undoubtedly stronger because he took martial arts, but because he  was hurt too much. Not physically, but emotionally. Never has he felt  this hurt by anyone. He was crumbling down bit by bit.

"I said do you understand?"

Eren stayed quiet.

Levi  dropped him. "I guess you wanna get beat up for the rest of your life.  At least it won't be my problem anymore after Thursday." Levi began to  walk away. He stopped and looked back. "Tch. Pitiful."

The dams behind Eren's eyes finally broke. The salty tears mixed in  with the blood on Eren's face. He looked down the hallway and stood up.  He yelled, "I...I HATE YOU, LEVI! I HOPE I NEVER HAVE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!  Y-YOU FUCKING JERK!!!"

The guy kept walking, leaving the boy to run the other way.

That guy was Levi Ackerman.

And that boy...

....was me.

Author's Note: I originally posted this on AO3, so you can also read it on there ^_^ thanks for reading

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