Part 5

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It took me a long, long time to finally stop crying. Mr. Henderson held me in his hands the entire time. He took me inside his office and closed the door so I could have some privacy. He took a rag, moistened it with water, and did his best to wipe off all the yogurt and spit. I'd still need a shower later. He held me with his hands in his lap and stroked me gently with his thumb to help calm me down, murmuring words of comfort. My sobs eventually died down to hiccups and spasms in my diaphragm.

"What happened?" he inquired softly, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I sniffled and looked up at him rising above me. He wore a look of deep concern and sympathy on his features. At least he didn't hate me like the others. With his magnanimous heart, he genuinely cared. In spite of the hell I had been through, I felt a warmth in my chest I hadn't felt in a very long time, almost as if the hole corroding my soul from the loss of my father had been filled.

"One of the giant teenagers was bullying me. He threw me into his yogurt and then put me in his mouth. I was so scared, I thought he was going to swallow me," I recounted with a grimace. "He called me a 'disgusting, lowly human.' I don't understand what I did to deserve such hate." My eyes watered at the memory.

"That's terrible. I'm so, so sorry," the giant said, continuing to pet me with his thumb to soothe my pain.

"And even before that, I was having such a horrible day. Everybody acted like I didn't exist. I felt like I wasn't a real person. I didn't have any textbooks for my classes, and nobody was feeding me. I haven't eaten anything today, except some of that disgusting yogurt by force." I flinched and hugged my stomach with my arms, still feeling a little sick from the emptiness. I never wanted to eat yogurt again, or be anywhere near it.

"There wasn't any food for you?" Mr. Henderson asked. He looked deeply disturbed by all my experiences that I had unloaded on him. I shook my head despondently. "Here, eat some of this," he insisted, giving me a sliver of chicken from the tray of food he brought over from the lunchroom. I gratefully accepted, scarfing down the meat like I was starving. He fed me a few oversized grains of rice and followed them up with another morsel of chicken until I couldn't eat any more. I was relieved to finally have a full belly.

"I'll talk with the kitchen staff and make sure they have meals ready for you," the giant assured me. "And I'll talk to your teachers, and bring your textbooks over to your dorm first thing in the morning. Alright?"

"Okay," I agreed, sniffling. "Thank you."

"Now, I need to know. Who was the student who was bullying you?"

"I don't know his name. He had green eyes, freckles, and red hair." As I described him, I winced at the recollection of that monster standing over me, grinning with those huge teeth.

Mr. Henderson stroked his chin as he ruminated. "I don't know who you're talking about. But when I find out, he will regret it." His face hardened as his eyes stared off into the distance. He was lost in thought for a moment before snapping out of it and gazing down at me. "If you see him again, let me know right away." I nodded. I hoped I would never run into him again, but a repeat encounter was highly likely, since we inhabited the same campus. I knew from experience bullies enjoyed stalking and harassing their prey, and I wouldn't be left alone for long.

The giant cocked his head as he leaned over me. "By the way, did you want to contact your mother? Let her know what happened?"

"No," I answered bluntly. "She would just yell at me and tell me it's my fault for getting kicked out of school."

"Oh." He looked sad. I got the impression he wanted to say something, but didn't want to pry. I appreciated his discretion. He knew I had been through enough today.

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