Part 14

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Joey was confused by my request, but humored me anyway, and brought me to a store nearby that specialized in sports and outdoor hobbies.

"You realize that everything in here is going to be giant-sized, right? If you want to go fishing, you're not going to find any equipment you can use," Joey informed me.

"I know. I'm counting on it," I told him, not elaborating any further. I didn't want to worry him or have him try to dissuade me from what I was plotting. I picked out some fishing line and a smaller fishhook suitably sized for my needs. The giant fishing hooks were all pretty fearsome, large and sharp enough to stab through me and turn me into live bait. I could hardly imagine a fish, really more of a leviathan, big enough to be caught on one of those. Joey bought the goods for me, which luckily were inexpensive. I left the store in high spirits. Joey was puzzled.

"What are you planning to do with this stuff?" he asked as he carried me back to the school.

"Well..." I figured it couldn't hurt to tell him now, considering he had already bought the stuff for me anyways. "I'm going to make a grappling hook and use it to get my cellphone back. I know where it's located. I saw the principal put it in the top drawer of his desk. I can get into his office, even if it's locked, because I'm small enough to slip through the gap under the door. Then, I'll use the hook to climb up, open the drawer, and reclaim what's mine."

"That sounds risky," Joey noted, pursing his lips in thought. "Although, the principal is rarely around on the weekends. You're not likely to be interrupted as long as you go today or tomorrow. Why do you need your phone so badly, that you're willing to risk getting in trouble like that?"

"Trouble is my middle name!" I declared with a smirk. "But in all seriousness, I want to call my mom, and talk to her directly, without anyone else listening in. Find out what's really going on, how she really feels. I want the truth from the horse's mouth, so to speak."

"I see." Joey was quiet for a while. "Eren, I'm sorry that things have been so hard for you here. I hope... I can help to make it better, at least."

"You've already done so much for me, Joey. I can't thank you enough." I could feel his pulse quicken slightly through his skin. I had noticed, since that incident where I almost ended up breakfast, Joey had forgotten about wearing a glove. His palms hadn't been sweating, though, so I supposed he was getting more comfortable with carrying me around. In fact, he was being very protective, as if I was his responsibility to keep safe. His caring nature warmed my heart.

We made it back to the school by late afternoon. Joey was thoughtful enough to stop by the lunchroom first and pick up my meal for me, so I wouldn't have to bike all the way out to the main building for dinner. He then walked me to the human dormitory and set me down on the pavement outside. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, promising to meet up again soon. I was tired, so I decided I would initiate my phone heist tomorrow, when the day was young again. I retired inside to rest and relax for the evening.

Fortunately, nobody bothered me that night or opened the roof, so I slept in and woke up the next day feeling energized. I was ready to take my life back, to take charge again. I left the human dormitory and biked to the main building of the school with confidence, dodging falling leaves as I went. On the weekends the cafeteria served brunch, so I stopped there first so that I wouldn't be doing a lot of physical activity on an empty stomach. I kept an eye out for my new giant friend, but to my disappointment I didn't see him anywhere. The school grounds didn't seem to be as busy as usual, perhaps because a lot of the giant students slept in or were away for the weekend. Regardless of the reason, I was grateful not to have to avoid as many giant feet or stares.

I snuck out of the cafeteria and down the hall to the administration offices, which were all deserted and locked up. Away from prying eyes, I crept under the door of the principal's office, dragging my bike along with me. The room inside was dark, since the light was turned off, but muted sunlight still filtered in through the blinds on the window. I leaned my bike against the wall next to the door, pulled out my makeshift grappling hook, and crossed the floor to reach the opposite side of the massive desk. Even though nobody was in the room except for me, I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise, as if the creep factor from the principal permeated his lair even when he wasn't physically present. The room was eerily quiet, magnifying the sound of my steps as I walked. I had to remind myself that the principal wasn't on campus, and there was no way for him to know I was here.

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