Part 18

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It was strange. I had tumbled down to my lowest point thus far, with my body damaged badly enough to force me into a hospital, along with my crushed heart and soul. Any reasonable person would assume that I would be miserable, full of pain, melancholic, depressed. And yes, those feelings were swimming just under the surface like ravenous beasts, threatening to drag me down into the crushing depths.

Even so, I was tired of crying and being sad all the time. Maybe I had used up all my tears and there was nothing left. Maybe I had grown numb to the gaping abyss in my heart, made worse by recent events. Maybe, isolated from the world in a hospital room, I could ignore everything else going on and imagine my life was different. Whatever the reason, I was feeling strangely optimistic, even hopeful.

It certainly helped that Joey stayed with me the whole time to cheer me up. He doted on my every need, talked to me, and distracted me from my troubles. When I became weary and nodded off, he kept watch over me, giving me peace of mind. He brought me my favorite snacks and drinks and other little gifts. When he got tired, he slept in the giant-sized hospital bed adjacent to my little platform. The doctor helped me heal in body, but Joey was working hard to heal my spirit.

I lost track of time, but I was starting to feel better. Mr. Henderson had not returned to see me, so I assumed he must be preoccupied with other matters. The human doctor and giantess nurse came back to check in on me, removed the heart rate monitor and IV from my arm, and changed my bandages. They had me stand up and walk a few steps, and I was able to do so without incident. They decided I was in a stable enough condition to be discharged, and left to start the paperwork, informing me the process would probably take a couple hours.

As I waited, I gazed over at Joey, who had been passed out on the giant bed during my exam. He was laying on his side, curled up as if he were cold, facing towards me, his features serene in passive slumber. I hopped over the gap between my platform and the bed, steadying myself on the squishy surface. My back was still hurting, but it wasn't on fire like before. I could move around without too much pain.

I was about to call out to him and wake him up, but he looked so peaceful, it seemed a shame to disturb him. He was so cute curled up, his gigantic body rising above me like a living mountain, huge and warm and inviting. I felt a little chilly, and I had a powerful urge to burrow into his chest and soak up his body heat, so this time I didn't hold myself back. I went around his massive arms and hands, past his titanic face, and snuggled up to his colossal torso. He stirred with a soft moan and gently clutched me in his hands, then fell back asleep. His enormous heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed filled me with calm. I felt as if Joey would shield me from the terrors of this world and protect me from my demons. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep cuddled up in his hands.

Joey apparently woke up before I did, because next thing I knew he was tenderly nudging me awake with his finger. "Eren," he said softly, his words resonating through his huge chest, "it's time to go." He scooped me up in his hands and lifted me as he pulled himself into a sitting position on the side of the bed. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I had slept fantastically, since I had been so comfortable.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Rajak asked me. He had a bemused expression, cocking his eyebrow. The nurse snickered, still smiling sweetly. I had judged them earlier, so I didn't mind them judging me right back. It was only fair, after all.

"Yes," I replied. "I feel great." I wasn't lying. Infatuation was a potent concoction. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"No problem," the doctor answered, giving me a casual wave. "Good luck out there. Stay safe." We parted ways and left the hospital, into the darkness of night. The streetlights glowed in the darkness, illuminating the sidewalks and roads. The fresh evening air thrummed with the steady hum of insects and frogs chirping. I laid down in the palm of Joey's hand and gazed up at the stars twinkling in the blackness. The moon stood out as a big, luminous yellow crescent. The lights reflected off of Joey's glasses. His facial features were dramatically defined with the contrast of bright light and shadow. I thought to myself that his face was as lovely as the stars. Especially when he smiled. Right now he was serious and contemplative, lost in thought, and I took advantage of that fact to admire him. I realized I was falling hard for him.

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