Part 25

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"I want to stay," I repeated, "and I want you, Joey, to be my boyfriend, and Mr. Henderson, I want you to be my father." I could scarcely believe the words came from my lips, but I felt as if an impossibly heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I realized then I didn't care about the risks. More than anything, I wanted to be loved, to be accepted, to belong. I had a home here, with the people who cared about me: Joey, Mr. Henderson, and my new budding friendships with Stephanie and the others.

Having held back his tears all day, Joey finally started crying, but his were tears of joy now rather than despair. Overcome, he grabbed me in his hands and planted a big kiss on my tiny frame. "Oh, Eren!" he cried. "I'm so happy!" He embraced me heartily against his chest, and I could hear his heart pumping vigorously. He had been so pent-up with stress the whole day, but now the relief was exploding out of him.

Mr. Henderson had a more subdued but just as meaningful reaction. He restrained himself and allowed Joey to hug and kiss me as he pleased. His eyes, however, sparkled with excess moisture and the rigidity of his posture relaxed as he was granted solace. When Joey was finally finished loving on me, I walked across the desk into the waiting hands of the man who wanted to be my father, and I felt like I was home. He gently lifted me up and held me to his massive chest in a hug. I sighed with contentment.

The next few weeks were a dream. I hung out with Joey most of the time, both in and out of school, but I was making new friends every day. Giants greeted me in the hallways, and I felt safer with people around who knew me. Drake, after being humiliated, stayed far away from me, and nobody else harassed me. Joey kept me safe and helped me when I was having trouble with my classes. I admired his intelligence, patience, and talent, and my love for him only grew with each passing day. My academic performance improved significantly with his tutoring, and my teachers treated me well. I had transformed from a rowdy brat into a respectable student. I was, for once, happy with my life and the choice I had made to stay among giants.

Before long, the legalities surrounding my adoption were completed, and Mr. Henderson was officially my dad. I continued to attend the boarding school, but instead of living in the human dorm the plan was to move in with Mr. Henderson at his house.

"I don't live too far from the school," Mr. Henderson said, as he carried me along. I was finally going to get the opportunity to see my new home.

"Mr. Hender—I mean, Dad," I corrected myself. "Do you usually walk to work?"

"Usually, yes," the giant answered. "And I'll be more than happy to take you with me. It would be nice to have some company on the way there." He smiled kindly, and I was more than pleased to reciprocate.

"Here we are. Your new home, and our humble abode," he announced. "I've made quite a few adjustments so you can be comfortable living in a giant home." He gestured to a ramp constructed alongside the giant steps and a human-sized door built into the wall. He placed me on the ground so I could try out these new additions myself. I ran up the ramp as the giant walked up the steps alongside me and we both opened our respective front doors to go inside.

The house was vast, of course, but most of the giant furniture had been outfitted with little ladders or ropes for me to climb up on. My new dad had also splurged on plenty of human appliances that were miniscule versions of his own, such as a human-sized refrigerator and microwave in the kitchen. He told me that he was able to obtain these items via his connections with the school's supplier, an easy task since he was the principal now after all. Additionally, he had provided me with my own private bedroom and bathroom, which were contained within a confined space that to the giant was about the size of a shoebox.

"So, what do you think, Eren? Miss Eren Henderson? Do you like it?" my giant dad asked me, after giving me a full tour of the house. He was both excited and a little nervous. He kneeled down to my level and held out his hand to me.

I looked up at him, my eyes sparkling. "I love it!" I cried, jumping up into his hand. He lifted me up and cradled me against his gigantic body in a warm embrace. I snuggled up to him and closed my eyes. The hole in my heart that had plagued me for most of my life had finally been filled. I was home.

Author's Note: Thank you everyone who embarked on this magical journey with me to the end! Especially those of you who commented and starred, you guys give me life! I'm currently working on a sequel and will begin posting chapters soon, as soon as I finish drawing the cover. However, the sequel is going to be much darker and more explicit, with a lot of vore and sex. So, in other words, it might be terrible haha. I don't know yet because I haven't written it, so we'll see. Updates might be more sporadic on the new story for a month or so because I am going on vacation for a week at the end of the month. I appreciate your patience.

Update: The sequel, "In the Belly of the Giant," is available to read. Check it out!

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