Part 7

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I was starting to get fidgety and impatient. I didn't want to be stuck in this stupid building with the removable roof anymore. After all the stress of the past few days, I was craving a smoke and some fresh air outside. By now, it was after lunch, and all the giant students were occupied with their last class for the day. I checked out the window. Except for the kids in PE on the fields behind the school, far away, the campus was deserted. I decided the risk was minimal.

I grabbed my last few cigarettes and cautiously stepped outside. The afternoon was perfect, with mild sunshine and a meandering breeze. I looked up at the blue sky studded with light fluffy clouds. Soon enough, I might be looking at that same sky from home. I felt a pang of bitterness. I hadn't been happy at home either. I was certain by now that my mom saw me as a burden. My "friends" didn't actually care about me that much, and if I was truly honest with myself, I had to admit they weren't a good influence on me either. I had been just as alone and unwanted there as I was here. Although, at least back home people were my size, and I could stand up for myself with my own strength.

I sighed and glanced around to ensure the coast was clear before lighting up my cigarette. I took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke dramatically. Sometimes when I was smoking, I liked to pretend like I was in a movie. I strolled around the building, enjoying the sunshine. When I started to get too warm, I made my way to the shady area behind the giant dormitory for the boys. There was a sidewalk that would be narrow by giant standards flanking the brick wall of the building, with the verdant hedge wall towering above it on the other side. A perfect little hiding place. I sat down against the giant bricks and lit another cigarette with the tail end of the previous one, flicking the butt away into the tall grass.

Lost in thought, enjoying my nicotine high, I failed to notice the giant approaching until it was too late for me to run. He didn't seem to notice me either, since I was so far down below him on the ground. I froze in place, not daring to move at all, only a wisp of smoke from my cigarette betraying my presence. He was another student, massive of course, and wearing the forest green uniform just like all the others. He must have been active in sports because he had the body of an athlete, with hardy limbs and lean muscle. His blond hair was shaved into a buzz cut. His eyes were a crystal blue, hard and sharp. He looked dangerous.

He flopped down on the floor nearby, shaking the ground, and I had to repress a cry of alarm at the sudden movement. What was he doing back here? I thought about sneaking away but I was too scared to move a single muscle. The giant pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and slapped it into his palm a couple of times before taking one out and lighting up. So, he was a deviant like me, hiding back here for the same reason. Somehow this realization didn't exactly fill me with confidence. I watched anxiously as he puffed on his cigarette. Soon enough, his eyes drifted down to me, and I had to use all my willpower not to lose it and sprint away like a rabbit.

"Oh, hey," he said casually. "Didn't see you there." He puffed on his cigarette and narrowed his eyes at me. I tried my best to appear outwardly calm. Too rattled to speak, I made a vague gesture of greeting with my hand. He tilted his head slightly.

"So you're skipping class too?" he continued with his deep giant voice.

"Y-yeah," I lied.

"Interesting," he replied, giving me a more intrigued look. He leaned over me, raising an eyebrow. I glanced down, avoiding eye contact. I didn't like the way he was ogling me, as if he were devouring me with his eyes. It made me exceedingly uncomfortable.

"I-I should probably go," I choked out quickly, stubbing out my cigarette and standing up to leave. I started briskly walking away, but the giant blocked my path with his hand, curving his fingers slightly around me.

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