Part 17

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I had been dreaming something, but I couldn't recall what. A nice dream, I hoped. Before I opened my eyes, I sensed I was somewhere unfamiliar. I heard a rhythmic beeping, which I realized was in sync with my heartbeat. Also, I heard light snoring. Was that me? I didn't think so. I was laying on my side, on a soft mattress. I cracked my eyes open. I saw white sheets. I tried to move and groaned as a dull ache permeated my back. The burning pain that I was used to was muted, as if I were on painkillers.

I connected the dots together in my weary mind and determined I must be in a hospital. The last thing I remembered was Joey carrying me in his hands, so I inferred he must have brought me here. I moved again, noticing I had a tube in my arm that led to an IV drip. Considering my physical state, I must have been very dehydrated from all the fluid loss. My body was very stiff, which I figured out was due to bandages covering my back.

I opened my eyes again. To my surprise, the IV and the heart rate monitor were human-sized, as was the hospital bed. The room as a whole was still gigantic, though. My bed and the medical equipment were placed upon a table. I looked over and discovered the source of the snoring I heard. Mr. Henderson was sitting in a chair alongside the table, head tilted back against the wall, mouth open, and fast asleep. Next to him was Joey, who was also dead to the world, with his head propped on his arm and a string of drool dripping down his chin.

Seeing those two, sleeping so serenely, warmed my heart, despite my pain. I wondered what time it was. They must have been by my side all day while I was unconscious. I was grateful to have people in my life who cared about me. I tried to raise myself up and instantly regretted the motion, sinking back down into the bed instead with a grunt. Mr. Henderson stirred and rubbed his eyes, still half-asleep.

"Eren! You're awake!" the giant observed. "How are you feeling?" Joey woke up as well and wiped up the drool on his chin with his sleeve, looking a bit embarrassed.

"I feel... a little better," I admitted. And I did, at least in regards to my external injuries. Inside, I was still hurting badly.

"I'm so relieved to hear that," Joey interjected. "I was so worried about you when you passed out. The doctors said you lost too much blood. They stitched up those—those terrible cuts on your back." His voice dropped and he looked down awkwardly. I, too, avoided eye contact, opting to examine my hands instead.

"Joey," Mr. Henderson said, "would you mind informing one of the nurses that Eren is awake? And grabbing me a coffee while you're at it?" He gave Joey a significant look.

Joey understood the nonverbal cues. "S-sure," he muttered, politely excusing himself from the room and closing the door behind him. Mr. Henderson scooted his chair as close as he could to the table, and placed his hand at the foot of the hospital bed, resting his fingers over the bedframe. I realized his hand was probably larger than the entire bed, and was reminded again of how small I was.

"Now, Eren," he began sternly, "you need to tell me the truth. What happened? Who did this to you?" I bit my lip anxiously. Despite the severity of his tone, his eyes were full of compassion, and some valid anger, but not directed towards me. More of a protective instinct, to rain vengeance upon the person who harmed me.

"You want the whole story?" I asked. The giant nodded, bringing his head down closer to my level so he could hear me better. I sighed. "On Sunday... I snuck into the principal's office. To get my phone back. I wanted to call my mom." My eyes watered as I recalled the conversation. "She told me she never wanted to see me again, that she had sent me here to live among giants... with the express purpose to get rid of me. To kill me."

My face contorted as if the words I spoke were bitter on my tongue. I tried to continue the story, but choked on my sobs. Saying the words out loud made them real. I had struggled so much to hide the truth from myself, just as much as I tried to conceal the wounds on my back, but I couldn't run any longer. Mr. Henderson caressed me with his gigantic thumb to comfort me, and offered me one of his fingers to hold. I hugged it tightly. He didn't interrupt me with any words, but I could plainly see the shock and horror at this revelation expressed in his features. I didn't want to cry in front of him yet again, but it seemed that the decision was out of my hands. Once I regained some degree of composure, I swallowed my tears and continued to narrate.

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