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Minjae woke up to Taegyu coming out of the bathroom after a shower, drying his hair. "Morning, Hyung. We have 30 minutes to get to school." He said, and the older nodded, slowly getting out of his bed to go get ready.

He checked his phone, noticing a few messages, ignoring some of them after seeing one from a certain male.


[🥰 나의 Woosannie 🥰]

'Good morning, Minnie. How was ur sleep last night?'

Minjae smiled, thinking he'd be with Josie after yesterday.

'It was fine. Taegyu slept over last night. '
'I wish you were here so we could've cuddled 😢'

'I'm sorry Minnie, I would have come if I wasn't out with Josie.'
'How about I come over tomorrow and we cuddle all night?'

'Really? 🥺'

'On one condition 😌'

'🙄 ughh'
'I should've known'
'What is it?'

'You have to send me a picture of you right now~ 😎'

'You're lucky I love your cuddles"

'Love you too~"

Minjae blushed softly, not having gotten ready yet. He quickly put on his school clothes and styled his hair a bit, also adding some light makeup before taking a picture and sending it to the older.

 He quickly put on his school clothes and styled his hair a bit, also adding some light makeup before taking a picture and sending it to the older

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'This is all you're getting. Take it or leave it.'

'😍 you're so cute Minnieeeeeee! I'm taking it and saving this picture!!'

'Whatever. I'll see you at school, and don't forget your promise 😑'

Minjae put his phone in his pocket, blushing a little. His crush called him cute, what else should he do? He shook his head and finished getting ready for school.

The raven met downstairs with Taegyu, and ate the breakfast Yeonjun happily cooked for them before leaving.

"Bye, boys! Don't get into trouble!" He said as they left.

The two boys walked down the sidewalk all the way to their school building and went inside. "I wonder if Woosan is here yet." Minjae said, looking around until he spotted a familiar figure from behind. He smiled a bit wider than normal and Taegyu wanted to puke at the sight before he was dragged over to the boy.

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