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"Who knew I'd fall this hard for you... I wish it were me who you loved, not someone else.. I'll be okay, though, as long as I can stay by your side." He said quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek as he gently pecked his forehead.

"Goodnight, Woo. I love you."

Woosan laid there quietly, not knowing what to do with this new information. He never knew that this was how the younger felt about him, and surprisingly, it didn't really creep him out, either.

Of course he was a little shocked, but he really didn't mind. He already couldn't figure out why his heart always skipped a beat whenever he was with the raven, and hearing this made it beat even faster.

The blonde kept pretending to sleep until he heard the soft snores of the younger male. He opened his eyes to look at his face with a soft sigh. "What am I going to do with you?"


The blonde groaned as the morning light hit his eyes. He was about to stretch when he was kicked out of the bed.

"Ow!! Minnie, what the heck!?" Woosan said, rubbing his butt as he looked at the younger.

Minjae pouted as he sprawled across the bed, face red as he sniffled. "Too hot!!" He whined, and the older snorted.

"Right, you're still sick." The older said, getting up and patting his head. "I'll go get you some medicine and a cold rag, okay? Stay here, Minnie~" he said, smiling softly at the younger.

Minjae smiled lazily. "Thank you Woosannieeee~"

Woosan chuckled before leaving the room to go to the bathroom, where he knew the medicine and rags would be. He grabbed a couple pills and got a rag wet, going back to the bedroom to give to Minjae, who had disappeared.

The blonde frowned, looking around the room for the boy until he found him in the closet, looking through the clothes.

Woosan raised a brow. "And what are you doing, Mr?"

Minjae hummed as he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie he had stolen from Woosan a long time ago that the blonde said he could borrow, but never got back.

"Am going to the library today!!" He said, dragging the clothes behind him to the hall bathroom before changing. As he tried going downstairs, Woosan stopped him and took him back to his bedroom.

"Minnie, you can't go outside when you are sick. You have to stay home. Now please lay down and take your medicine." He said, leading him to his bed, where he gave him the pills and put a rag on his forehead.

Minjae whimpered, pulling the blanket off himself and making grabby hands. "Cuddles pleaseeee!!"

Woosan smiled softly at the younger and moved hair out of his face. "I will cuddle you if you promise to eat the soup that your Papa worked so hard to make just for you~"

"I promise!" Minjae immediately nodded his head, pulling Woosan down with him, wrapping his limbs around the older with his head rested against his chest so he could listen to his heartbeat.

Woosan hummed softly, pulling him closer with a smile, rubbing his back gently.

It was quiet for a few minutes as the raven ate his soup, until he hummed. "Woosannieeee?"

The blonde looked down at the boy with a soft smile. "Yes, Minnie?"

"Mm. Do you remember when we were kids and you said we would be together forever and get married?" He said, giggling softly.

Woosan thought about it, smiling as he remembered some of those times. "I do."

Minjae smiled, playing with the older's shirt with a yawn. "Well, I think I wouldn't mind it. I would love to marry you~~" he said, causing the older to freeze slightly. "I wanna trust you, Woosannie because I really, reeeeaalllyyyyy like you~" he mumbled sleepily.

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