Nineteen (Pt. 2)

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The raven glanced over at his boyfriend as they walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand with their fingers laced together. He blushed softly when he caught him staring.

"W-what? Is there something on my face?" He asked shyly, looking at him with his doe eyes.

The older smiled and shook his head. "No, my love. You're just so cute~" he said, ruffling his hair softly.

The raven whined, hitting the older's chest lightly, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Woosannie, you're so cringe!" He said, pushing him away before crossing his arms and looking away from him.

Woosan chuckled and watched his boyfriend pretend to ignore him.

"Minnie~" he said, poking his cheek.

When he received no response he pouted, hugging him from behind.

"Minnie bear"

"Minjae my love~"




Woosan huffed, not believing his boyfriend would resist all those names. He almost sighed in defeat, but smirked when he had an idea, leaning closer to his ear to whisper in it softly.


The blonde grinned in victory when the boy stopped walking. He could see him blushing like a bright red cherry tomato.

"Aww is my Yeobo flustered?" He teased, turning him around to see his face.

Minjae burried his face in Woosan's chest to hide it, wrapping his arms around his torso. "Gosh, you're so embarrassing, Hyung!"

The blonde smiled and hugged him tight, kissing the top of his head. "I know. It's not my fault you're just so easy to tease~" he said and they both smiled, breathing in each other's scents before Minjae pulled away slightly, mumbling something while playing with his fingers.

"Huh? Did you say something, Minnie?" Woosan asked, tilting his head so he could hear him better. After a second, Minjae buried his face back in his chest before saying it once more, but this time so he can hear it.

"C-call me that again.....please?" He said, peeking up at him innocently.

Woosan smiled, kissing his forehead softly. "I love you, Yeobo~"

Minjae smiled back, snuggling close to him.

"I love you, too~"

Both boys looked at each other lovingly, not being able to look away until their moment was rudely interrupted.


They quickly let go as they turned their heads, seeing Sooyeon and a girl next to her, who was giggling.

"Y-Yoyo, what brings you here?"

The girl raised a brow. "Oppa, this is literally the driveway to our house, what do you mean, 'what brings you here?'"

The raven mentally facepalmed, embarrassed as he looked at Woosan, who just shrugged, then at the girl next to his sister.

"Right... anyways, who's this? A friend of yours?" He asked, changing the subject quickly.

The girl smiled and held her hand out, which Minjae gladly shook.

"I'm Shin Ryuji, Yeonie's girlfriend~" she said with a hum, looking at Sooyeon lovingly, who smiled back at her.

Minjae smiled as well. "Well it's nice to meet you! I'm Sooyeon's brother, Minjae, and this is Woosan, my uhhh best frie-"

"Boyfriend~" he said, holding the boy's hand happily. "I'm his boyfriend, nice to meet you as well."

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