Twenty Two

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"Oppa! Come on we're late! Papa told us to get there early so we can get good seats!!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" The raven shouted back, quickly grabbing his bag of stuff before running downstairs to where he saw his sister waiting by the door, hair in a ponytail and sunglasses on top of her head.

"Let's gooooo!!" She said before dragging him out of the house, making sure they locked the door before leaving to their destination.

They arrived finally at a water park that had a large range of water rides and a wave pool, also a regular pool area too.

The two siblings walked to the entrance where they bought their passes with money their parents gave them to get in, who had to go somewhere first and asked them to wait for them so they could get in and get seats.

They looked around until Sooyeon spotted five empty seats next to the pool area, dragging her brother over as they set their stuff down.

"Finally!" The girl sighed as she stretched her arms before applying sunscreen to most over her body that she could reach that wasn't covered by a swimsuit. "Could you put some on my back, please?" She asked her brother, handing him the bottle.

Minjae nodded and took it, quickly pouring some out and applying the screen on her back, making sure it was spread evenly to prevent sun burns.

"Thank you, Oppa. I'm gonna go swim now, so I won't be here when Appa and Papa get here!" She said before walking off towards the pool and getting in.

Minjae hummed as he sat on the chair, taking his shoes off and then his shirt before also applying sunscreen to his arms, legs and the front of his torso. He was gonna just leave his back alone, but he heard familiar voices and turned to see his parents walking towards him with his brother in Yeonjun's arms, little floaties on and a cute Pororo swimming suit.

"Hi, Pea. Sorry we are late, where's Yeonie?" Yeonjun asked, handing the baby to Soobin before grabbing the sunscreen and helping Minjae apply it on his back before putting it away since he already put some on earlier.

"She's in the pool already. Thank you." He said, getting off the chair.

"Ah ok. Me and Binnie are probably gonna go in the regular pool in a bit, go ahead and have fun, dear~" he said, kissing his forehead while setting out towels on their seats so no one takes them.

Minjae got up and walked around for a bit before deciding to go in the wave pool, joining his sister as they splashed around and jumped over the waves that came. She also dragged him on a couple rides and slides too before they sat down on their chairs to relax. Minjae was playing with Soojun at the low end of the pool, dipping his little feet in and earning giggles from the boy.

He smiled, continuing to play with the boy until he saw a familiar looking head of blonde hair and silhouette. Curious, he carried Soojun over to Sooyeon, then walked over to where he saw the person, who was now turned so he could see his face.

Minjae smiled before happily walking over to him. "Hyung!!"

The boy looked around at the voice before landing his eyes on Minjae, immediately pulling him into a hug when he got closer. "Hey Minnie~" he said, kissing him softly.

The brunette giggled softly, kissing back. "I'm so happy to see you, Woosannie~ didn't you have soccer practice today?" He asked, tilting his head while the older held his hands.

"I did, but the coach canceled it because he had a family emergency, so the guys all decided to come here to hang out."

Minjae nodded with a pout. "Oh, okay. Well I don't wanna disturb you if you're with your friends."

Woosan shook his head and kissed his forehead. "Nonsense! I'm always happy to spend time with you~ they were just gonna go home soon anyways, so it's okay." He said, smiling.

Minjae hummed and held his hand. "Well in that case, let's go ride some rides together!" He said before dragging him away happily.


The two boys had spent most of the time together riding rides and the slides together and eating some food that Soobin bought from the concession stands. Now they were just chilling out in the pool together, just chatting.

"Minnie, you're so amazing. I love everything about you, you know." The blonde said, moving the boy's hair away from his eyes.

Minjae looked at him, smiling as he hugged him. "I love you, too, Woosannie." He said, laying his head on his chest.

Woosan smiled, gently patting his back. "So cute~ I'm gonna marry you some day and we'll be together forever~" he said proudly, making Minjae blush, playfully hitting his chest and earning a chuckle from the older.

"You're so cute when you're flustered, Yeobo~" he said, kissing him happily.

Minjae kissed back, smiling softly. "You're so cheesy. I can't wait for that day, though~"

"Ewwww too much PDA, Oppas!" Sooyeon said with a scrunched up nose as she glared at them. "Anyways, we're leaving soon, so Appa wants to know if you're gonna go with us or stay for a while longer."

Minjae hummed, thinking. "Hmm, as much as I would love to stay with you here all day, I'm really exhausted and probably gonna need a nap. I had fun today, though, Hyung. I love you so so much~"

"It's okay, love. I'll see you on Monday, since the meeting was rescheduled for tomorrow. I love you too~" he said as they both got out of the pool and started walking towards the bench area.

They said their goodbyes and the family went back home after collecting their things.

Minjae took a shower before changing into some shorts and a hoodie he stole from Woosan's closet last week. He knew he didn't mind though.

As he jumped into his bed, he curled up under the blanket. His phone dinged.

❤️나의 여보, 우산이❤️

'Did you get home safe?'
'I miss you already~ 😘'

Minjae giggled softly, finding his boyfriend adorable.

'Yes I did~ I miss you, too~'

'I'm good. Papa Woo made some stew so I'm just eating some of that now'

'Oooohhh tell him to save some for me, I love his cooking!"

'I will, babe, he loves when you enjoy what he cooks anyways'
'I'm gonna go now, because Appa needs help with something. Love you, see you Monday~'

'Okay! Love you, too~'

The brunette hummed, plugging his phone on the charger before laying down in bed, thinking of his boyfriend as he fell asleep.

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