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The raven groaned at the sound of the alarm going off, pulling his pillow over his head. He usually woke up early, but today he really just didn't want to get out of his bed.

"Choi Minjae if you don't turn that alarm off I'm going to steal all of your Leebit and Bokkari plushies!!!!!!" he heard a voice shout from the other side of his bedroom door.

"Sooyeon, leave your brother alone. I'm sure he is just not feeling well" he heard another voice say before he heard a knock on the door. "Minnie. Are you awake?"

The raven hummed in response and Yeonjun slowly opened the door, walking over to his bed.

He sat down next to the boy and gently rubbed his back. "Minnie? are you okay, baby?" Yeonjun asked softly, moving hair from in front of his face.

Minjae frowned, looking up at him slightly. "How am I supposed to face him when he hurt me so bad, Papa?" he said, barely above a whisper.

Yeonjun frowned, gently caressing his cheek. "I don't know, Pea. You don't have to talk to him, but please. You need to go to school. Some boy shoudn't stop you from getting an education. If you really can't handle it anymore, just call me or Appa and we'll come get you. Fair?"

The younger thought about it before sighing. "Okay..." he said, slowly sitting up. Yeonjun smiled before getting up.

"I'll let you get ready, Pea." Yeonjun said before getting up and leaving the room.

The younger raven sighed, kicking up his blankets and getting out of bed. He took a quick shower before getting dressed lazily, then he went downstairs.

He grabbed a banana to eat for breakfast and waited until Soobin came downstairs, wearing his work suit.

"Hey, bub. I'll drive you to school today since it's later than usual." He said, and Minjae nodded, following him outside to his car after throwing away the banana peel and brushing his teeth.


Soobin pulled into the parking lot of the school at the front doors, lettin Minjae out. "Don't forget, Minnie. You can call any time if you want to leave, okay?"

Minjae nodded. "Thank you, Appa. I love you." He said quietly.

"I love you, too, Minnie. Go now before you're late!" He said with a hum.

Minjae smiled slightly, nodding again before walking away to his class.

Upon entering the class, a few people looked up before going back to what they were doing before since the bell hadn't rung yet. As Minjae was looking around, he caught eye contact with Woosan. He immediately looked away, afraid he would start crying if he saw him any longer, even though he hadn't seen him for a week. He was glad this was the only class they shared together because he felt like he wouldn't be able to take seeing him all day.

The raven found an empty seat next to someone else and sat down, deciding not to look back at the older male.

The teacher came in the classroom and quieted everyone down before taking attendance.

"Alright class. Today we are doing partner projects, so you get to pick your partner." The teacher said.

Minjae bit his lip softly. He usually partnered up with Woosan, but they weren't on good terms right now, so he turned to the person next to him and gently tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me? Do you want to be partners with me?" he asked quietly. the boy turned around to face him, tilting his head in confusion.

"Minjae, right? don't you usually partner with Woosan?" he asked. Minjae played with the hem of his shirt.

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