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Ever since Taegyu had told him those things about not trusting everything he hears, Woosan started questioning things. Like, why was Josie always ignoring him some nights, or why was she always wanting him to buy her so many things, but never stay around and hang out after. A big thing he had noticed was Josie and Haejoon leaving shortly after one another during lunch and them hanging out more often than usual.

He didn't really think anything about it at first, thinking it could just be a coincidence, but he had gotten suspicious after it became more and more often.

Today was no different. Haejoon left to the bathroom 5 minutes before the end of lunch, and not even 2 minutes later, Josie stood up.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. I have to change my tampon." She said, grabbing her bag and walking away without a word.

Woosan frowned softly as he watched her get up, the other friends at the table paying them no mind.

Woosan hesitated before deciding to get up. He followed her down the hallway, turning corners and hiding when he could so she didn't see him. Eventually, she stopped by the janitor's closet and looked around before going inside.

Woosan raised a brow in confusion as he walked slowly and quietly to the door, not liking the fact that his girlfriend lied to him. He put his ear up against the door, not being able to hear anything.

He slowly pushed the door open a little, peaking inside. Upon looking inside he saw Josie and Haejoon leaning against the shelves together, talking.

Josie put her hands on the male's shoulders, gently tracing his collar bones as he held her waist.

"What if Woosan finds out, baby?" The older asked.

Josie rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's okay, he won't find out. He's too dumb to figure out that we are seeing each other~"

Haejoon chuckled lowly, squeezing her waist. "Good, because I love the taste of your lips~" he said, leaning down to capture her lips, her immediately kissing back.

Woosan was shocked. Never did he ever think that this was what was happening behind his back. His girlfriend cheating on him and making a fool out of him. Maybe he deserved it, but he didn't deserve to be lied to like this.

He angrily opened the door all the way. "So this is what you two have been doing behind my back this whole time??" He shouted, watching as they pulled away quickly, looking at him in shock.

"W-Woosan, I can expla-"

"No. I don't want to hear any excuses right now. Minjae was right about you. I can't believe you would be so low as to cheat on me, but not even break up with me. If you didn't love me you shouldn't have stayed!! We are done being friends, Haejoon, and I'm breaking up with you, Josie! There is nothing you can do about it, so don't even try!!" He said, slamming the door shut before stomping away.

As he walked through the halls, all he could think about was Minjae and how he had treated him that day he told him that Josie was cheating on him.

He felt horrible for the things he said. He was such a horrible friend to him, when he should have trusted his best friend since forever. Instead he hurt him by being oblivious and ignorant, all because of a girl who used him. She never cared about him or his well-being.

Minjae was always there for him when he was down or feeling blue or when he was sick. Minjae always made him feel better and made him the happiest he's ever felt in his life. Woosan had never felt as happy with Josie as when he was with Minjae, but he went and ruined their friendship for no good reason.

He felt tears well up in his eyes as he slid down the bathroom wall, trying not to cry as he felt like he didn't deserve to.

"I fucked up so fucking bad."


Hey babes I'm feeling nice so I'm posting early. Go watch this video of Yeonjun dancing to Queencard. If you can't get to it you can try searching on YouTube or go to TXT's IG account. It's so worth it, trust me, my loves 🤧🤧


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