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Minjae sighed softly as he closed his sketchbook. It's been a whole two weeks since he found out that Woosan and Josie have been dating, and that he had slowly been forgotten. Well, that's how he felt. It hurt like shit, and Minjae was getting tired of trying.

The raven sat back against the tree he was sitting under, looking into the sky. It was almost the end of the school day, so he decided it was time to go back inside.

Minjae grabbed his bag and packed up after the bell rang. He waited until everyone else left so he didn't get stuck in the crowded halls.

He spotted Woosan standing at the front gate and noticed that he waved him over with a smile. Minjae quickly walked over to him and hugged him, inhaling his scent. "Hi, Woo." He said softly.

Woosan smiled and ruffled the younger's hair. "Hey, Minnie. How have you been today?" He asked softly.

"Mmm, it's been alright I guess. It's better now that I'm talking with you." He said, nudging him playfully.

Woosan chuckled. "You're silly~" he said with a hum, looking down at him. "Hey, do you wanna hang out today?" He asked.

Minjae's eyes' twinkled happily. He nodded excitedly and smiled a toothy smile. "Of course!"

Woosan smiled softly. "Alright, let's go th-"


The younger frowned when he heard that voice. He turned his head a little too fast to look at Josie, who was walking up to them.

His eye twitched as she not so subtly pushed him away to attach herself to his best friend. He put his hands in his pockets and watched quietly.

"Oh, hey, Josie. What's up?" Woosan asked, looking at his girlfriend.

Josie smiled a sickeningly wide smile and Minjae wanted to barf.

"I just bought some new outfits and wanted to do a small fashion show, so I wanted you to watch me and rate my outfits~" she said in her high pitched voice.

Woosan frowned slightly. "Oh, but I was actually gonna hang out with Minnie today..."

Josie looked at said male for the first time since she came over here before quickly looking back at Woosan. "That's okay!! You two can hang out another day. This is really important."

Minjae mentally scoffed. 'Important how? Who does she think she is?' He thought.

Woosan sighed and looked at Minjae with a sad expression. "Sorry, Minnie. Is it okay if we hang out another time?"

Minjae sighed softly. He was half expecting it to turn out this way so he wasn't surprised. "Yeah... that's fine." He said quietly. "I'm gonna go home now. Have fun, Woo." He said before quickly leaving.

Woosan watched sadly as his friend walked away. He didn't want to hurt his feelings, but he just couldn't say no to Josie no matter what he did.

"Let's go, babe~" she said before dragging the boy away.


Minjae sighed softly, setting his bag down on his desk chair before ploping his body on the bed all sprawled out. He just wanted to rest after the mentally taxing events of earlier, but to his dismay, the door burst open and he felt a body jump onto his.

"Ow!! Yoyo, you can't just do that!" He said, rubbing his back in pain.

Sooyeon shrugged, getting off her brother's back to lay next to him. "I don't wanna hear it, Oppa. You used to burst into Papa's room and jump on him and Appa when they were sleeping, too, so I'm just avenging them." She said with a hum, earning a playful eye roll.

"Anyways, what brings you in my room at this time?" He asked softly, looking at her.

Sooyeon scrunched her nose slightly, a habit she picked up from Soobin. She blushed slightly and burried her face in Minjae's chest. "It's embarrassing..."

Minjae smiled softly and pulled Sooyeon into a cuddle. "It's okay. You can tell me, I won't judge you, you know." He said, gently patting her head.

Sooyeon looked at Minjae and pouted. "Well..... there's this girl I like...... but I don't know if she likes me back or not, and I don't want to ruin our friendship by asking her out. I don't know what to do..." she explained softly, immediately burying her face back into her brother's shoulder.

Minjae hummed, rubbing her back. "I see." He looked at Sooyeon seriously. "If you really like this girl, I say you should ask her. You'll never know if she likes you back or not until you ask. If she rejects you or doesn't want to be your friend anymore, then maybe she wasn't a good person for you. I will always be there for you, Yoyo, so never be afraid to talk to me if you have a problem again." He encouraged.

Sooyeon looked at him after thinking quietly to herself. "Thank you, Minnie. I really appreciate it." She said quietly, resting her head on him. The latter smiled softly and gently pet her hair.

"Any time."

The siblings cuddled with each other for a while, telling stories about their crushes and their friends until it was almost 11.

Sooyeon got off of the bed, pecking her brother's cheek before heading to the door. "I'm going to bed now. I want to get enough energy to ask Ryuji out tomorrow." She said with a smile.

Minjae smiled back, waving at Sooyeon. "Goodnight Yoyo. Good luck tomorrow." He encouraged.

The younger nodded. She stopped at the door again before leaving, turning to look at the raven haired. "Hey, Oppa, I know that you were the one who was trying to give me advice for my crush, but I think you should also follow your own advice. If you never ask, you won't know. And if he rejects you or doesn't want to be your friend anymore, then he wasn't meant for you." She said, looking at Minjae, who had widened eyes.

Sooyeon smiled. "Goodnight, MinMin. I'll see you tomorrow." She said before closing the door, leaving the older to his thoughts.

Eventually, the boy smiled. His sister was right, but it was nerve wracking asking out your crush, let alone your best friend at that. To say he was scared was most definitely an understatement.

"You got this, Minjae." He said, encouraging himself a little as he drifted off to bed.

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