Nineteen (Pt.1)

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The raven giggled as he turned around to see his boyfriend carrying their food back to their table in the restaurant. They were on a date today and decided to get something to eat since they'd been out all day in the park.

"Aaaannddd here it is!" The blonde said as he sat down across from him, setting the tray on the table between them.

"It looks really good." Minjae said, grabbing his sandwich while Woosan grabbed his, leaving the large box of fries in the middle to share.

"It is!" Woosan said after taking a bite of his, enjoying the flavors.

Minjae smiled softly, taking a couple fries from the middle to eat them.


Said male looked up at his boyfriend, seeing him with puppy eyes on full display.

"Yes, Hyung?"

"Can I please try some of your sandwich? I'll let you try mine, too!"

Minjae smiled, cooing internally at the boy's adorableness. "Sure, but only if you give me a kiss." He said, booping his nose.

Woosan chuckled softly before leaning over the table to give his boyfriend a short but loving kiss, to which the younger returned before they pulled away.

The younger held up his sandwich to the older's mouth, who took a bite happily, also doing the same with his own sandwich for Minjae.

"Yummy~" he said in content as they kept eating.

While eating, Minjae saw a flash and looked up, seeing his boyfriend taking pictures of him, not even trying to be sneaky.

"What was that for?" He said with a pout, swallowing the bite of food he just had.

"What, can't I take pictures of my beautiful boyfriend?" The older questioned, a brow raised.

Minjae blushed lightly with a smile. "You can, but I was eating, Woosannie!" He answered, reaching over the table to try grabbing his phone. "Let me see them."

Before he could take it though, Woosan pulled his hand away so he couldn't.

"No~" he said with a grin on his face.

The raven haired boy frowned and reached out again, only to be blocked once more. After a couple more tries, he had an idea, leaning across the table and kissing the boy softly.

Wooyoung kissed back happily, allowing Minjae to snatch his phone out of his hand as he pulled away with a victorious grin.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Woosan pouted with his arms crossed. Minjae just laughed before looking at the picture he took, as well as some others he took throughout their date, before it started ringing.

Minjae read the caller ID and answered it, holding it up to his ear.

"Hi uncle Wooyoung!" He said, looking at Woosan, who looked up from his food curiously.

"Oh, hi Minnie! How are you doing, sweetheart?"

"I'm doing amazing, uncle! Did you need to tell Woosannie something?" He said, smiling softly at his boyfriend, who was holding his hand over the table.

"Right! I just wanted to tell him that we're invited to a family get together this weekend at your house! Your Papa just called me about it, actually."

Minjae nodded, even though the older couldn't see it. "I remember hearing something about it. I'll tell Woosannie, then."

"Alright, thank you, sweetheart. I love you~"

"Love you too, uncle Wooyoung!"

"Alright, I'm gonna go now, tell my Woo that I love him, too. Bye~"

"Will do, bye bye~" Minjae said before hanging up and handing the phone back to Woosan.

"Was that Papa? What did he want?" He asked, taking a drink of his soda.

Minjae hummed, going back to eating. "He wanted to tell you that we're having a family get together at my house this weekend.  The Choi-Kang-Huenings will probably be there, and uncle Chan's family, too."

Wooyoung nodded in understanding. "Well I will definitely be there if I get to see you~"

Minjae rolled his eyes playfully at the cheesy line and gathered his trash before standing up and leaving the table. Woosan followed shortly after him.

"Hey, wait for me!"


Minjae huffed as he jumped onto the bed, feeling exhausted. Woosan quickly joined him, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist securely while the younger wrapped his arms and legs around him, laying his head on his chest.

"Im so tiredddd" Minjae whined, getting as close as possible to his boyfriend under the blanket.

"Me, too. Doing fun things all day sure tires you out." He agreed, gently petting his long hair.

It was quiet for a while, both boys enjoying the presence of the other.


Woosan looked down at the younger with a quizzical look, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, I was wondering, since the whole family is getting together this weekend, maybe we could tell them..... about us?" He said, looking at with doe eyes.

Woosan cooed, moving his bangs away from his eyes to look at them better. "Of course we can. I'm sure they'll be happy."

Minjae smiled excitedly, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Woosannie, I love you!"

"I love you, too, Minnie." Wooyoung chuckled softly, kissing his forehead in return. "It's much better now that you don't have to say it secretly while I'm 'asleep'." he said, a playful smirk on his face teasingly while Minjae blushed.

"Y-you heard that??? I thought I was being quiet!" He said, embarrassed that his best friend had heard him crushing on him before they were together.

"It's okay, baby, because now we are together. You can tell me how much you love me whenever you want to~" he said with a smile.

Minjae smiled back, cuddling him more. "I love you so much~"

"I love you so much more~" the blonde said, pulling him closer if even possible.

"Goodnight Minnie~"

"Goodnight Woosannie~"

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