Dirty Little Secrets (Emblem3 fic)

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Returning home with a dark secret.

Telling Them for the first time: PART 1

I've lived in Huntington beach my whole life. I absolutely loved everything about this place. The beach, the pier, the people, just everything. It was beautiful. I missed it.

A year ago I left Huntington beach to go stay with my aunt after "it" had happened. My mother wanted me to open up to her but I shut down. I couldn't look my mother in the eyes and tell her what they had done to me. I just tried to say it was my fault and I was asking for it. Her only option was to send me away. And I was okay with it.

I left without saying one word to anyone. I couldn't face them and tell them about it and leave them with my problems and have them looking at me like I was broken. So I just left. I left my three best friends in the dark, I wouldn't answer there calls or there texts. I'm pretty sure my old boyfriend can't even look at me after what I did to him. And now I was regretting the decision of coming back but honestly I freaking missed everything and everyone and me running away a year ago wasn't going to solve anything. So I decided I would come back and face everything head on. No more running.

My plane landed at 7:00AM. I was drained. I forgot about the time changes so being 3 hours behind killed my brain. I needed coffee. I got to Huntington at about 8. I stopped at the local Starbucks. To tired and groggy I ordered what I usually got. Ironically the Barista remembered me a year later. We had gone to high school together. "Girl welcome back! We missed your face around these parts." I managed a weak smile and a its good to be back before paying and sitting down.

I pulled a book out of my bag and took a sip of coffee. Paradise. "Chelsea?!" I heard a voice as I stopped dead. I lifted my head slowly. There he stood bright eyed, and bushy tailed my good old friend Keaton. He was one of my 3 best friends from back in the day. My heart sank and rose with joy as a smile and a tear came to my face. I was delighted to see him and nearly spilt my coffee all over him trying to give him a hug. I was trying not to be excited because I knew he would want to know why I up and left without a word but hopefully I could distract him long enough so he would forget.

"Oh my god Keats! How are you?! You've grown up so much man!" He smiled at me his face was glowing with happiness. "Thanks! That's what a year does! How have you been?! WAIT Better question what happened to you?!" His face when from bright to looking concerned. I was fidgety as I looked down not wanting to make eye contact. How could I tell him? "Chelsea? Are you okay? Hey forget the question lets go get some food!" My frown turned into a smile as I let out a laugh. "Wow Keaton, you really haven't changed at all have you?" I threw my arm around his neck as we walked out of starbucks.

"OH WAIT!" Keaton nearly shouted blowing my ear drum out. I turned to him with my "dude what the fuck" face when he pulled out his phone. "Wait what are you doing?!" My eyes grew wide as a pit formed in my stomach. "Im texting Wesley to meet us at the café so he doesn't panic when I'm not at Starbucks." My stomach flipped. Im not sure how I feel about seeing my 3 best friends again after what happened. "Wait just tell him to meet YOU there! We'll surprise him." Keaton's face lit up. "You're a genius! Okay sent! Let's go! IM STARVING." I burst into laughter I missed them so much.

Keaton grabbed a booth at the café as we waited for Wesley. "So what happened to you? Why did you leave and not tell us?" He looked over at me with concern in his eye. I couldn't lie to him but I wanted to wait for Wes so he could hear this too. If I was going to tell them they needed to be together and that doesn't include Drew. I sighed. "Hey don't look at me like that I can't resist that puppy face of yours you know that.." he kept it up before breaking into a smile, "I'll tell you when Wes gets here but right now I need to pee so I'll be back." He made a face as I got up "TMI." I went into the bathroom where I looked over myself. My brunette hair which was mid back actually looked decent, my cut off jean shorts fit perfectly on my tan legs, my Fox racing shirt fit perfectly too, so why did I feel like crap? I peed and took one last glance in the mirror. Its now or never.

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