Sexual frustraighted (Wheres Drew? SMUT) ((Chapter 12))

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Chelsea's POV

"Wesley What are you doing?" I say as I trot up the stairs. Hes been really quiet and I cant seem to get him to talk to me lately. I knock on his bedroom door. No answer. So I just barge right in. Hes sitting there on the end of the bed staring down at his hands. He looks sad. My hearts breaking. "Wes? babe? What's wrong?" I cautiously approach him knowing he's probably mad because of what happened. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. I kneel down on my knees so I can be eye level with him. "Why?" I swallow hard. "I thought you loved me?" A tear slowly makes its way down his face as I begin to cry as well. I look down. "Wesley I do love you. With all of my heart. I just fucked up." I breath deep as I answer his question. "I saw you with her." I feel him shift as he knows he was at fault as well. He didn't know I knew until this moment right here.

We're both quiet. I can hear his shaky breathing as I look up at him. "I saw you making out with her. You pretended for weeks that nothing happened and that you hadn't done anything. I don't know if it escalated anymore after that because I left. I know I should've said something to you but then again you should have told me!" I was standing up pacing as I finally released all of this anger and sadness Ive held on too for weeks. "You should have told me! But you didn't! You just acted like nothing happened! Like everything was fine! You're mad at me for what I did but you did the same thing! Maybe more I have no idea!" My voice cracks on the last line as I finally let majority of my tears roll down my face. Wes isn't crying anymore. He just looks sad and like he's been punched in the stomach. I'll admit what I did was probably way worse but he made out with his Ex at a party we were both at. AND he didn't tell until a month later.

He looked up at me. "Look I know I should've told you a long time ago and it should've never happened in the first place but you made out with one of my best friends! I walked in on you both. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT FELT LIKE?!" He yelled. He had walked in on Drew and I kissing. I hated when Wes yelled I retaliated and yelled back. "YES I DO! LIKE YOURE HEART HAS BEEN RIPPED OUT AND STOMPED ON AND CRUSHED INTO A MILLION PEICES! AT LEAST I WOULDVE TOLD YOU! I DIDN'T HOLD ONTO IT FOR A MONTH THEN DECIDE TO COME CLEAN WHEN I CAUGHT MY GIRLFRIEND MAKING OUT WITH MY FRIEND!" He jumped toward me and kissed me shoving his tongue in my mouth.

We both gave in to the anger and the frustration of not being so intimate in weeks and entangled each other. MY hands were in his hair pulling on it as his hands roamed all over. He pushed me onto the bed as we were both panting wanting this more then ever. Angry sex with Wes is the best sex besides passionate sex with Wes. He pushed me back as our lips met once again and my hands went for his pants. I could feel his boner poking me in the thigh. I stuck my hand in his pants and began felling his member. I could feel his breathe hitch as I began working it. He ripped off my shirt mumbling under his breathe. He ripped off his shirt too and pulled my hand out of his pants. He hated me right now and I was perfectly okay with that.

HE kissed me again feverishly sticking his hand in my underwear. He was teasing me. All at once he shoved 2 fingers in making me gasp. "You're so Wet. Remember who does this too you because it isn't Drew." Our eyes met. They're so dark and smoldering as a devilish grin spreads across his face. Angry Wes is such a turn on. He swirled around inside me making me moan. I went to grab him when he grabbed my hands holding them above my head. "No." He said in a husky voice. I whimpered. "Wessss." He glared at me. "I said No. This is your punishment. You cant touch me." I fucking hated when he did this. He knows I love to touch his defined abs. Fucker. He massaged my clit but then he stopped letting go of me.

He got up and pulled off my pants and thong all n one motion. All I had on was a bra and a look of confusion. He pulled a tie out of his closet. He tied my hands to his bed post. He's never done this before and my heart was racing. I wanted him so bad but he was making me angrier with the whole tying me up thing. I looked from my hands to him. "WES!" He glared at me. "This is what happens when you make me mad." He growled. I grew nervous. He pulled his pants and boxers off just as he did mine. One swift motion. I let a gasp escape my mouth as a grin grew on his face. "I'm going to show you why you're mine and NOT Drew's." I bit my lip squirming. I NEED him.

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