Chapter 14 Truth comes out.

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Chelseas POV

Wes has been really distant latley. Ive been off bed rest for about a week now and he knows but we havent done anything. He always pushes me away. I feel ive done something wrong or hes hiding something big from me. Hes been busy with music and everything but I just dont know. He acts like he doesnt want to be near me.

Ever since Drew returned into our lives I barley see them. Im always here with Keats dont get me wrong I love the kid but theres only so much cats, office, and music broadcasting talk I can take. Especially when I barley understand the broadcasting part. But ever since Ive been better I barley see any of them. I spend most of my day surfing. Today however I wanted to spend with Wes. Instead I called Breezie. She knew I was lonley and invited me out with her. I would go and hang out with Taylor, Breezie, Joey, Kelsi, Riley, and Carly. I needed a girls day this would be fun and a good thing I missed them. 

I got up and took a shower. Since Wes has been distant Ive been staying with my aunt and cousin Riley. Riley is my age and is just like I am. She says she looks up to me. While Im flattered I dont understand why. "I havent done anything." I chuckle as I put my towel around my body. My tan lines are ridiculous. Rileys laying on the bed they let me have. her hair touches the ground. She has brown hair with bleached endsthat are currently blue red and green and bleached side swept bangs. Shes tan and skinny. People say we look a lot alike. It probably has something to do with the fact that Her Dad and My Father were twins. She raises up and looks at me.

She rasies a perfect eyebrow. "Chelsea. You are one of the strongest people I know. WIth all the stuff youve gone threw and here you are somehow still finding the good in everyone and living a pretty normal life." She turns as I drop my towel and pull some running shorts on along with a plain black teeshirt. "Riley.." She looks at me. I pull her into a hug before a start to cry. "Chelsea What is it?" I pull back sobbing. "You have that relationship with your Mom that I wish I had with my mother. Youre Mom is amazing please never let her go. Ever." She pulls back staring at me. "I love you. Youre like a sister to me and youre just the best and I love you!" She smiles at me pulling me into another hug. We hear someone as we turn my aunts in the door way wiping a tear away. 

She tells Riley to go get ready she needs to talk to me. Im drying my hair but turn it off to hear what my aunts saying. "Chelsea Its good to see you! We missed you when you left." I sat on the end of the bed. "Thanks I missed you guys too. More then you know." She put her hand on my shoulder. "Hows your Mom? I havent seen her since she called and said you were in the hospital 7 weeks ago." I looked down at the ground as I told her eveyrthing My "Mother" had said to me. I was crying now. "All I want is to have my mother to talk to and get advice but she doesnt want me. She never did." My aunt pulled me into a hug. She pushed my hair behind my ears as she grabbed my face. "Honey if you ever need to talk about anything you know your Aunt Cara is here to talk to." I wipe a tear away. "Thank you Aunt Cara. I promise Ill b out of here as soon as I find a place to live." She put her hand on my shoulder. "Honey..You can stay here as long as you want. Your positive effect on Riley this last week has been just so amazing." I smiled. "Now get ready Breezie said shed be by at Noon and its 11:30 now!" I hoped up to get dressed.

Breezie pulled up to my Aunts house at 12 on the dot. I love how punctual she is. I was wearing a pair of high waisted black shorts with a white DC shoes tank top. Riley was wearing jean shorts and a crop top with flowers on it. She looked good I was honestly jealous of her. Breezie like usual looked amazing! "Hey breezie!" She smiled. "Hey girlies! Where have you been?! You havent been at the house latley?" I shrugged brushing it off. I havent told Riley Im dating Wes yet because shes friends with his ex Tracie. "I just figured the guys were out working on there music Id come over and you know not be in the way. She rolled her eyes. "You girls ready for girls day!?" We both said of course as we took off in breezies car and for the first time in two weeks I felt a genuine smile on my face.

We went shopping and to lunch and thrifting and we walked the board walk and we went to the beachj and it was honestly just a really boss day. I need more girl days like this. Taylor, Carly, Joey, Kelsi, and Riley were walking into a resteraunt to get us a table. Breezie and I were arm in arm just talking and laughing. If I had to pick Id say Breezie is one of my best girlfriends. I mean yes Im best friends with all of these girls but I just get along with her and she understands me a bit better. We walked in just as they were taking there seats and thats when I saw him. 

I stoped dead in my tracks. There he was. I had asked him what he was doing an hour ago and this was not what he told me. "Chelsea..?" I turned and walked out of the resteraunt and everyone followed. "What is it?" Breezie caught up to me first. I didnt want to say anything. SO I made something up. "I just...I dont want to eat just yet I want to go out on the boat first." She wasnt buying it but all the other girls thought that was a great Idea so we went on the boat. I took one more look back at the resteraunt as a tear fell. My nightmares were coming true.

We were all having a good time except for me I was super quiet and I couldnt help it. All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry for hours till I drowned in my own tears. "All right whats wrong." I snapped my head up as everyone was staring at me. "What do you mean?" Breezie narrowed her eyes. "Chelsea I mean whats wrong youre so quiet and your freak out at the resteraunt?" Taylor chimed in. "Are you and Wes okay you havent talked about him today?" Riley leaned forward her eyes widening. Shittttt. Riley looked at me. "Youre Dating Wesley? Wesley Stromberg?!" I looked at breezie who was just staring at me. I turned to Riley. "Yes I am. Or was...Or Am I just I dont know Im so confused right now..." Riley looked at me. "Theres no way youre dating him.." "Why because I cant be happy with him or because Im not cute or..." She stood up looking at me biting her lip. "No because hes dating Tracie...." I felt my heart drop to my feet. "Hes on a date with her right now." She paused throwing her hands to her face. "Thats why you were quiet and ran out wasnt it?" She whispered as tears fell from my face and I nodded.

My worst fear had just become my reality. 


SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER. I dont get a lot of comments anymore because My chapters suck and all but If you comment saying update ill get on it but anyway HERE IT IS THE NEW CHAPTER. Its only a Chelsea Chapter this time im still writting the next one so possible update tuesday. Thank you to those who stuck around and are reading my other not E3 related stories and my other E3 one. You guys rock my socks! <333 LOVE YOU ALL 

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