Past Feelings (Chapter 8)

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This is not happening! No no no no! My heart was pounding in my chest as puzzled looks spread onto Wesley and Drew's faces. Good god did they really forget that 2 of there best friends were dating a year and a half ago and that I had just up and left him. Oh my god I wonder what he thought? Was he okay? Fuck I feel like vomiting all the alcohol I just ingested. I held my head as Drew and Wes sat me on the ground.

"Dude are you alright you look like your going to throw up?!" Drew said stepping back a little. I honestly had no idea what I was going to do or what might come out of my mouth if I opened it. He hadn't seen me yet due to all the people in the way. I could probably run and not get noticed if Wes and Drew would stop hovering. "Sup guys." Fuck...

They got really excited looks on there faces as they turned to greet Jack. My stomach was doing flips. Jack didn't notice me at first. "Are you guys fighting over a girl again?" He looked down at me. My horrified looked was mimicked by him. He stepped back a look of hurt on his face. Shit. I stood up my legs feeling like jello. He stammered for a second. "ch.. ch..Chelsea?!" I bit my lip brushing my hair behind my ear as Wes and Drew finally realized We had dated for almost a year until I left. "Uh..I..I..." I whispered the last part, "I have to go." I turned and began fast walking toward...somewhere....anywhere just away from here.

Someone grabbed my arm I expected to see Wes so I turned around really quickly only to see it was Jack. Oh man. I just stared at him as Drew and Wes came over. "You're back? When did that happen?" I felt my face lose its color. "About 2 months ago." I was whispering. "Hey guys lets not do this tonight lets just go hang at the bonfire! We can do this in the morning." I didn't even know Keaton was over there with us. Keaton took jacks elbow and pulled him toward the beach. Jack took a drink of his beer as he stepped back eyes locked on me. He turned around and headed back glancing over his shoulder one last time. Drew ran to catch up with them. Wes took my hand. "Do you want to go back?" I looked up at him. He was having such a good time I didn't want to take that from him. "Yeah of course." I said with a Weak smile. He was beaming and I was regretting that.

Wes gave me his pull over hoodie as I drank my beer talking with him and Breezy. Jack was Talking to Rex, Kyle, Kenny, Carly, Taylor, Drew, and Keaton. There were so many people here now. Jack would glance over at me every now and then and Id give a weak smile. Breezy got up to dance with Carly and Taylor and Wes went to do something I wasn't sure what but he told me hed be back. I glanced down at my 7th beer. I think it was 7 I have no idea but anyway I was looking down at it when I felt the log I was sitting on shift. I smiled at my Beer. "Took you long enough.." I said with a bit of seduction in my voice I leaned in for a kiss when I saw it wasn't Wesley. It was Jack.

"Woah woah there I mean I would but.." I pulled back really fast turning red. "Im sorry I thought you were Wes." He looked at me. "You look good." This wasn't as Awkward as I was expecting. "Thanks Jack So do you. Have you been lifting of is this all from Snowboarding?" He grinned. Not going to lie I missed being Jacks girl. He always treated his girlfriends well plus he was really hot and hes into snowboarding which is really hot in my opinion. "Its from both! I actually just got back from Spring break in Cabo." Oh that's where he had been but that was only like a week? "You're still a cocky little shit!" I playfully pushed him before continuing. "Oh snap! how was that?" He was smiling at me and I realized I was smiling with him and it just felt like we never left off except for the fact that we aren't dating anymore.

I suddenly realized that he has no idea why I ran. I need to tell him but how will he react. Drew plopped right next to me on the log. He was trashed worse then I was. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear and he reeked of alcohol. He was drinking something more then beer. "Don't worry we told him for you. We don't like to see you cry." My eyes widened as I turned to Jack who looked like he was sad.  Drew stumbled out as Jack turned to me. "You probably heard this a lot but why didn't you tell me?" The pain in his voice made my heart sink. "I didn't know how to. We were already having problems I thought this would make it worse." I looked down at Wes's hoodie. Jack took my hand. It felt weird but at the same time normal. "You knew I would go to the end of the earth for you. Even now I still would. Even though I knew you were in love with Drew." My eyes grew sad. He knew the whole time that I loved him and Drew and he did nothing? I feel like complete shit right now. I grabbed his hand. "Jack, I didn't love Drew like I loved you. It was a different love."

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