✧. * 010. Talks with Lupin✧. *

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"Aurora noticed the painful look that appeared on the professor's face as they came to a halt."

IN NO TIME AT ALL, De​fence Against the Dark Arts had be​come most peo​ple's favourite class

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IN NO TIME AT ALL, De​fence Against the Dark Arts had be​come most peo​ple's favourite class. Only Dra​co Mal​foy and his gang of Slytherins (excluding Atlas who enjoyed the subject a lot) had any​thing bad to say about Pro​fes​sor Lupin.

"Look at the state of his robes," Draco would say in a loud whis​per as Pro​fes​sor Lupin passed. "He dress​es like our old house-​elf."

But no one else cared that Pro​fes​sor Lupin's robes were patched and frayed. His next few lessons were just as in​ter​est​ing as the first. Af​ter Bog​garts, they stud​ied Red Caps, nasty lit​tle gob​lin-​like crea​tures that lurked wher​ev​er there had been blood​shed, in the dun​geons of cas​tles and the pot​ holes of de​sert​ed bat​tle​fields, wait​ing to blud​geon those who had got lost.

From Red Caps they moved on to Kap​pas, creepy water-​dwellers that looked like scaly mon​keys, with webbed hands itch​ing to stran​gle un​wit​ting waders in their ponds.

Aurora ​on​ly wished she had been this excited with her oth​er class​es. Worst of all was Po​tions. Snape was in a par​tic​ular​ly vin​dic​tive mood these days, and no one was in any doubt why.

The sto​ry of the Bog​gart as​sum​ing Snape's shape, and the way that Neville had dressed it in his grand​moth​er's clothes, had trav​elled through the school like wild​fire. Snape didn't seem to find it fun​ny. His eyes flashed men​ac​ing​ly at the very men​tion of Profes​sor Lupin's name, and he was bul​ly​ing Neville worse than ev​er.

Aurora was al​so grow​ing to dread the hours she spent in Pro​fes​sor Trelawney's sti​fling tow​er room, de​ci​pher​ing lop-​sid​ed shapes and sym​bols, try​ing to ig​nore the way Pro​fes​sor Trelawney's enor​mous eyes filled with tears ev​ery time she looked at her and Harry.

She couldn't like Pro​fes​sor Trelawney, even though she was treat​ed with re​spect bor​der​ing on rev​er​ence by many of the class. Par​vati Patil and Laven​der Brown had tak​en to haunt​ing Pro​fes​sor Trelawney's tow​er room at lunchtimes, and al​ways re​turned with an​noy​ing​ly su​pe​ri​or looks on their faces, as though they knew things the oth​ers didn't. They had al​so start​ed us​ing hushed voic​es when​ev​er they spoke to Aurora and Har​ry, as though they were on their deathbeds.

No​body re​al​ly liked Care of Mag​ical Crea​tures, which, af​ter the ac​tion-​packed first class, had become ex​treme​ly dull. Ha​grid seemed to have lost his con​fi​dence. They were now spend​ing les​son after les​son learn​ing how to look af​ter Flob​ber​worms, which had to be some of the most bor​ing crea​tures in ex​is​tence.

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